Descent Links
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Outrage Entertainment
The makers of Descent 3!
Interplay Productions
Check out the best computer games ever made, the Descent Series! If you already have Descent, you can download upgrade patches and various utilities here.
Descent BB - The Community Forums
Questions? Comments? Idle chat? Visit KoolBear's Descent BB. It's open 24 hours, and it's always a great source of entertaining chatter, at least for me.
The Descent Network
If you're looking for Descent information of any kind, this is the place to go! The Descent Network has all kinds of useful info; The lastest Descent news, mutliplayer info, FAQ's, links, custom levels, tools, images, and more. So visit this site and get enlightened!
Who doesn't know?
ZappaFan's Descent Hangout
ZappaFan has an awesome Hangout, dedicated to only the best anarchy levels available for Descent. If you need a new playground to battle your friends in, this is the place to look.
The Fusion Bolt
Formerly known as the Fusion Cafe, a site run by my buddy Scorch. That's right, my alter ego. My evil twin. (Or am I the evil one?) Seriously, check it out. He's got levels, pics, and some entertaining war stories.
Parasite's Lair
Another fan site, crafted in perfect style. Parasite has a bunch of home grown levels available here, as well as war stories, links, and some rather unique Descent web browser skins. Don't miss Guidebot's Joke Page.
Wolf's Webpage
Wolf's Descent site is loaded with cool stuff, including Descent levels, links, and tutorials that will help you with your game or aid you in your level authoring endeavors.
DADINK!'s Descent II Homepage
My friend DADINK has an interesting Descent site featuring detailed descriptions of the weapons of Descent II. Not sure which cannon to use or if you have enough shields left to withstand that missile heading toward you? Visit this site for the answers!
Pyro Descendent
Flatlander's site. Oodles of goodies await you here: Windows themes; screeshots; demo files; enemy, weapon, and ship guides; and information on Orlando LAN parties. Be sure to take a gander at the Pyrolier GX, Flatlander's own hotrodded ship.
Are you bored with the regular Descent campaigns? Do you cruise through the Mercenary missions saying "been there, done that?" Then this site is for you! Pooterman has the largest, most complete archive of Descent levels on the Web. Just about every Descent level ever created can be found on this site.
One of the few Descent single player campaign review sites on the web. DCentral offers comprehensive reviews of all the most popular missions for Descent. Want some more info about that huge mission before you download it? This is the place to go!
Retrotek Descent Archive
Retro also has a nice Descent site with custom levels for Descent 1 and 2, various Descent resources, and some Descent humor. Retro also has an art section with plenty of stuff; some 3D, some hand drawn and scanned.
Achim Stremplat's Devil Homepage
Want to build your own Descent 2 levels? Visit this site to download the latest version of Devil, the most powerful and most easy to use level building program for Descent 2.
The Descendarium
THE place to go for tips, tactics, and strategies for completing the single player campaigns in the Descent Series! Learn how to beat the bosses and find the secrets! This site has a lot of graphics, screenshots, and demo files to help you through the toughest Descent levels.
Potz's Pyro Port
Potz has an excellent Descent site with a lot of useful information pertaining to multiplayer Descent, especially over Kali, and the latest on Descent development. You can also find more Descent links here. A must see for the serious Pyro pilot.
The Descent Missions Homepage
If you've already visited KoolBear's and Pooterman's, check out this site for even more custom Descent levels available for download, as well as the latest level design contest information.
Interplay's Independent Descent Sites List
Check out Interplay's list of official independent Descent sites. Thanks to all my loyal fans who voted for my site to be included. It's finally on the list! Woohoo!
Got a great Descent site that I don't know about?
E-mail Scorch