Rockets in TNE

Date: Mon, 1 May 95 00:33:20 -0400
From: Derek Wildstar
Subject: Re: Low tech Thrusters

One G-hour is a lot of thrust for a TL-7 chemical-fuel ship. For reference, a Saturn-V masses 2913 metric tons. The first stage produces 33 million newtons of thrust for 170 seconds; the second stage 4.5 million newtons for 270 seconds, and the third stage 0.89 million newtons for 500 seconds. TOTAL impulse is about 7.45 billion newton-seconds, and total duration is under 16 minutes.
(reference: Rockets of the World, Peter Alway, Saturn Press [PO Box 3709, Ann Arbor MI 48016], 1993).

For reference, accellerating a 1000 metric ton mass by 1g for one hour requires about 36 billion newton-seconds (not counting additional impulse required to accellerate the fuel required to produce that much impulse). The above done in my head at this hour, and I may have done something horribly wrong - if so, I'm sure someone will set me straight.

So it seems that, if anything, FF&S has the fuel consumption significantly lower than should actually be the case.

Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 11:52:51 -0400
Subject: Re: Broken Thrusters

If you are thinking about the low tech thrusters I think that they are good enough. If you consider the Shuttle it need large fueltanks just to get it into orbit. Low tech fuels are not efficent if you consider the weight and volume, but they are all we have at the moment.
WRONG!! The shuttle is only 66.7% fuel tank and it can hit orbit Under FFS it would have to be 1000% fuel tank to hit orbit. The FFS thruster rules are broken. Feel free to prove me wrong though, post a Tech 7 design that can hit orbit (with annotations) under The realistic thrusters rules from a size 8 world under 1g and I'll eat this post.
I've been watching this discussion for a few issues, thinking about jumping in, but have been too lazy. However, I have nothing better to do today, since the flood of May 8 is lapping over our front steps and I'm not going anywhere.

The thrusters ARE broken. The fuel consumption is somewhat *better* than the real-world, but the thrust-to-weight ratio is pathetically low. As an illustration, they give a TL5 liquid fuel rocket 6 tonnes-thrust per ton of motor; in the Real World (tm), the V-2 rocket motor (a TL5 LF rocket) developed 20-30 tonnes-thrust per ton of motor.

GDW also requires absurdly high Delta-V numbers to reach orbit: they claim Earth requires 0.64 G-hours, which equals 22.5 km/sec delta-V. In the Real World(tm), we require less than 10 km/sec (0.3 G-hours) to reach low Earth orbit.

Finally, GDW's formulas for calculating G-hours are broken. Here's the Real World formulas that apply to the Real World space program:

    Mass Ratio MR = Wl / Wef
                    Wl = Loaded Weight
                    Wef = (Loaded Weight - Reaction Mass Weight)

    also:      MR = e ^ (dV/Ve)

    Exhaust Velocity Ve = 36,000 / FC
                    FC = Fuel consumption in tonnes/hour
                         (yes, the number from FF&S)
                    Ve is in m/sec

    G-hours = ln(MR)/FC

    Delta-V = ln(MR)*Ve
              Delta-V is in m/sec

    Hohmann Transfer Orbit:
        dVh = Ve1 * sqrt( R2/(R1+R2) ) + Ve2 * sqrt( R1/(R1+R2) )
            dVh = total delta-V (m/sec) of Hohmann transfer orbit
            Ve1 = Escape velocity (m/sec) of start body
            Ve2 = Escape velocity (m/sec) of end body
            R1  = Radius of start body's orbit
            R2  = Radius of end body's orbit

    Orbital Velocity
        Vo = sqrt( R * G)
                Vo = orbital velocity (m/sec)
                R  = Radius of orbit (m)
                G = G (gravity) at altitude of orbit (m/sec^2)

    Escape Velocity
        Vee = sqrt (2*R*G)

Delta V to achieve Orbit is, ideally, a Hohmann Transfer Orbit from ground (which has the rotational velocity of the planet's surface as its "orbital velocity") to Orbit, plus some extra for getting above the atmosphere, say +1-2 km/sec.

Because of the ridiculous numbers for thrust-to-weight ratios in FF&S, I arbitrarily changed them to be more in line with the Real World(tm); see below:

Chapter 9: Sublight (Maneuver) Drives, Page 70

(change): In the Self-Contained Thrusters table, use the following values for
thrust-to-volume/weight ratio instead:

TL      Type            Th
5       LF Rocket       20
6       LF Rocket       40
7       HF Rocket       40
8       AZHRAE (Rocket) 40
Final note: George Herbert's corrected tables for MegaT's Hard Times low-tech rockets are also fairly accurate (in spite of he and Steve's quibbling over a few Isp's here and there), if you want a more detailed treatment of different types of sub-TL9 rockets.

-- Cynthia

Brief Glossary:

Specific Impulse - time that 1 pound of rocket fuel can produce 1 pound of thrust. Unit: seconds.
change in velocity required to do something. Unit: m/sec, km/sec, mph, furlongs/fortnight, pick your favorite...
same as delta-V, different units: Gravities * hours. Since this is an acceleration * a time, it resolves to -- Velocity.
Mass Ratio (Mr or MR)
Ratio of mass of fully fueled ship to mass of ship after all reaction fuel has been burned.
Exhaust Velocity
what it says; how fast the hot stuff is spewing out the back end. Has a direct relationship to how fast the ship can go....
Hohmann Transfer Orbit
the absolute *minimum* delta-V to get from point A to point B. Used by people with limited fuel supplies who have a long way to go and no great hurry to get there.
Orbital Velocity
how fast you have to go around the planet to keep from falling down. Those of you who have taken Dynamics in college had to go thru the agony of actually deriving this equation from those for rotational velocity and angular momentum, and may understand WHY you don't fall down if you go fast enough. I know I did at one time. Fortunately that part of my life is a fast- fading memory....
Escape Velocity
like Orbital velocity, only faster; fast enough to go into a parabolic orbit around the body in question. Unlike ellipses, parabolas are open-ended.... you don't have to come back.
Oh crap, it's raining again!

Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 16:40:36 -0700
From: George Herbert
Subject: Re: Equatorial Starports

Equatorial launch only matters with Isp in the 700s and down range. Above that, it's easy enough to make orbit from anywhere on any sized planet.

Traveller's thrusters and such are all much better than 700s. There's no reason for TL9+ vehicles to prefer the equator. Starports should be near population centers, but not too near.


Date: Sat, 20 May 95 16:10:15 -0400
From: Derek Wildstar
Subject: Re: Mass Acceleration & Newton-seconds (Joseph Heck) asked:
question, where would I find the tidbits for that info? I'd like to be able to get some better ideas of what a rocket _should_ be able to do (yeah, and me not being a rocket scientist), but I don't know where to look up the info.

Is there an equation that relates newton-seconds to mass x accel x time? (Scott "2G" Kellogg) answered:
Force = Mass * Acceleration
The force required to accelerate 1 kilogram to 1 meter/second is 1 newton.
While quite correct (and the basis for the entire branches of physics!), I thought this explanation might be a little terse. :-) So I thought I'd explain in a bit more detail. This sort of basic analysis comes in very handy when working with FF&S, so you can judge what's absurd and what's not.

Units: For convenience, it's easiest to work in the SI (metric) system of units. The fundamental units of this system are:

    Mass: the kilogram (1000 grams), abbreviated kg.  About 2.2 pounds.
    Distance: the meter (1000cm), abbreviated m.  About 3.2808 feet.
    Time: the second, abbreviated s.

  There are also some derived units:
    Velocity: meters per second, abbreviated m/s.  About 2.2369 MPH.
    Accelleration: meters per second squared, abbrev m/s^2.  About 0.102g.
    Force: newtons (kg*m/s^2), abbreviated N.  About 0.2248 pounds.
In addition, a useful measure of a rocket's ability to shove something around is it's total impulse. If you were to graph the thrust (force) of a rocket over time, the _area_ under the curve would represent the total impulse. The unit is newton-seconds (N-s), 1 newton-second represents a thrust of 1 newton for one second (and also two newtons of thrust for a half second, or a quarter-newton of thrust for 4 seconds).

In an airless, gravityless environment, all rocket engines with the same total impulse would (eventually) accellerate identical test loads to the same final velocity - they would simply take different amounts of time to do so, and subject the test load to different accellerations.

To figure out the 1000 ton example above, first I had to do some conversions:
  1000 tons:
    Assuming a "ton" is a metric ton, 1 metric ton is 1000kg.
    Thus, mass is 1,000,000kg.
  1 G-hour:
    An accelleration of 1G for 1 hour.
    To simplify calculations in my head, I assumed 1G = 10 m/s^2.
    1 hour is 3600 seconds.

So, the force required to make 1G of accelleration is:
  Force = Mass times Accelleration (from Scott's F=MA above).
  Force = 1,000,000 kg * 10 m/s^2 = 10,000,000 kg-m/s^2 = 10,000,000 N.

To make this thrust continue for a whole hour, we need:
  Total Impuse = Force * Time
  Total Impules = 10,000,000 N * 3,600 s = 36,000,000,000 N-s.

The equivalent units in FF&S Spacecraft construction are:
  Mass: 1 Ton = 1,000 kg.
  Time: 1 hour = 3600 s; 1 "turn" = 1800 s.
  Accelleration: 1G = 9.80665 m/s^2 (though for rough work 10 m/s^2 is OK).

  And now for the sticky units: GDW seems to have a very loose grasp 
  of the difference between weight (which is a _force_: the force exerted
  by a planet's gravity on an object) and mass (which is an inherent
  property of any object).

  Force: 1 Ton (thrust or weight) = 1000 kg * 9.80665 m/s^2 = 9806.65 N
                                       or if you approximate = 10,000 N
In Real Life, a rocket's mass changes drastically over it's flight time; that's because a VERY large fraction of it's mass is conposed of fuel, so that while the rocket's thrust (generally) remains constant, the accelleration experienced will change dramatically.

For a good example, a fully-loaded and fueled Saturn V massed 2,913,000 kg. when ready for ignition. In Earth's gravity, that's 28,570,000 N; it's five first-stage engines produced 33,000,000 N of thrust, for a lift-off accelleration of 0.155g (yes, that's less than 1/6th of a g). However, the accelleration increased during flight, as fuel was burned.

Hope this helps ...

Date: Sat, 20 May 1995 19:12:25 -0400
Subject: Re: Broken Thrusters

Subject: Re: Revised (yet again) low tech thrusters
Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 20:23:25 -0700
From: George Herbert <>

Note #1: TL 8- rockets should be designed by the kilo not liter.
Volume doesn't matter nearly as much until later TL rockets.

rev 5 : 5/20/97

Table entries are:
TL	Tech Level
Type	Rocket Engine Type
Ftype	Fuel Type
Fmass	Fuel Burned (tonnes(mass)/hr)
Fcons	Fuel Cons (kl/hr)
	Breakdown of:
AThrust	Thrust at 1atm (Sea Level)
VThrust	Thrust in a vacuum (outer space)
Isp	Specific Impulse (sec) sea level / vacuum
Power	Power used (#) or produced (+#) per ton of engine
MCr	Megacredits per cubic meter
Examp	Sample real-world engine 

All values are per cubic meter of engine (mass = 1.0 tonne / cubic meter)
Power output on all liquid motors: Mw = 0.1 * AThrust

delta V = 10 * Isp * ln(Mr)
Mr = (Mfuel+Mrocket)/Mrocket

TL	Type	Ftype	Fmass	Fcons	AThr/	Isp	MCr	Examp
--	----	-----	-----	-----	-------	--	---	-----
2	Solid	Solid	600*	600*	12/15	70/90	0.25
3	Solid	Solid	600*	600*	15/17	90/100	0.25
4	Solid	Solid	600*	600*	20/22	120/130	0.15

5	Solid	Solid	600*	600*	30/32	180/190	0.125
5	Liq	Cryo	385	385	24/30	220/280		var xptl
6	Solid	Solid	600*	600*	42/47	255/280	0.1	Minuteman1 1st
6	Hybrid	Hybrid	600*	600*	43/48	260/290	0.1	Firebolt
6	Hyp Liq	Hyp	1040	1040	74/85	255/295	5.5	RS-87
6	Liq	Cryo	580	580	42/50	260/310	4.5	MA-5
6	HDLiq	Perox	780	560	55/65	250/300	4.5	Black Arrow

7	Solid	Solid	600*	600*	43/48	260/285	0.05	SRB
7	Hybrid	Hybrid	600*	600*	45/50	270/300	0.05	
7	Hyp Liq	Hyp	1130	1130	80/93	255/295	3.5	VikingV
7	Liq	Cryo	1010	1010	75/85	265/305	2.0	F-1	
7	HDLiq	Perox	1300	925	95/108	260/300	1.75	
7	LH Liq	LHCryo	550	1650	-/65	-/425	6.0	J-2
7	NTR	LH	34	475	-/8	-/850	25.0	NERVAus
8	Solid	Solid	600*	600*	44/49	265/295	0.04	T4B SRMU
8	Hybrid	Hybrid	600*	600*	46/54	275/325	0.05	AMROC
8	Hyp Liq	Hyp	1500	1500	120/132	285/315	3.0	RD-253
8	Liq	Cryo	820	820	70/77	310/340	2.5	RD-180
8	HDLiq	Perox	1400	1000	117/125	300/320	3.0	
8	LH Liq	LHCryo	580	1750	60/73	365/455	8.0	SSME
8	NTR	LH	42	590	6/10	500/850	30.0	NERVA
8	AdvNTR	LH	36	500	-/12	-/1200	35.0	TimberW

9	GCNTR	LH	9		-/5	-/2000	45.0	GasCore
9	FusRkt	DtELH		

	(tm = ton mass)
Type		Density	m^3/tm	Cr/tm	Notes
Hypergolics	1.0	1	600	Nitrogen Tetroxide + Hydrazine
Cryo		1.0	1	250	LOX/Kerosene
Perox		1.4	0.7	1,200	Hydrogen Peroxide/Kerosene
LPCryo		0.50	2	250	LOX/Propane or Methane
LHCryo		0.33	3	400	LOX/LH2
LH		0.07	14	500	Liquid Hydrogen
Solid		-	-	-	Mass, Cost are engine cost

* Solids have nominal burn duration of 6 sec, hence 600 Fc

Steve asks:

You give a TL8 LH rocket a specific impulse of about 428. Why? The SSME has a specific impulse of 450+.

The SSME has an Isp(vaccum) of about 454, though they're hoping to hit 460 by the late 1990's. However, at sea level, that's closer to 390-400. IMHO, without explaining the whole specific impulse variation with altitude theory, the only reasonable way is to average and simplify.

Maybe I should state that thrust goes up 5 tons for all liquid rockets operating purely in vaccum. (this is off the top of my head... let me analyze it a bit first 8-) That should help correct things a bit.

The resistojet has a specific impulse of 18 here. Again, why? There is not really any upper limit to such with enough power, and according to my steam tables, the steam at 232C should have a specific impulse approaching 190, depending on the nozzle design.
I was presuming a really low-tech and low-heat resistojet. I can't imagine wanting to use one at a higher TL (well, ok, maybe, but the chart can't get infinitely big 8-). However, you have a point, which I'll explain in a bit...
Your fusion rocket (experimental) has an Isp of 51,400+. Your TL9 version has an Isp of 50,100+. Why does the production version have LOWER Isp than the experimental? And why are the performances so low? Admittedly, a fusion rocket is pretty open-ended as far as performance, but I have seen studies that concluded that a fusion rocket could have an Isp in the range of 1,000,000 or more.
Oops. 8-) You're right, the specific impulse ought to go up a bit at TL9. As for why did I set the values that low... well, I've talked to several people who do things like design theoretical fusion engines, and they don't think that specific impulse of fusion rockets will get higher than about that (50,000) for any near-term (i.e. one we can understand, if not build, now) designs. Those values of 1,000,000 were from physicists, not engineers. 8-)
And why are you using liquid Xenon and such for your ion drives, instead of cadmium, which has a density of 8.65?
Because last time I checked, the people working with testing ion drives were having reliability problems with the ones that didn't use noble gases. I don't want to presume using something that may or may not work.
For that matter, why do you assign a density of 1.0 for rocks? Very few rocks float, even fewer have neutral bouyancy. Most seem to have a density in the range of 2-3.
You need to stack round rocks in non round fuel hoppers, and more importantly, rocks don't pack that well unless you make them into cubes or such. If someone wants to complain about this, well, if you think you can pack them in more, go right ahead 8-)

Ok, now here's the one question that I've been avoiding talking about: "why didn't I do anything about putting Ion drives in?"

Well, there's a good reason for this. In real ion and MPD drives, there is a strong variation in specific impulse and thrust among the various drive options. More importantly, the specific impulse and thrust of a particular engine type varies with sort of inversely... you can get higher thrust at lower Isp and visa versa. There are power supply weight considerations that require a careful look at the MegaTraveller power supply options before any reasonably accurate simulation can be done in these rules.

WHile mostly applying to the Ion and MPD engines, this also will affect things like the resistojet, which could theoretically get a whole lot hotter, the mass driver, etc. I need to go back and re-read several J.Propulsion and J.Spacecraft papers to take a look at how the tradeoffs work in detail. Until I've done that, I am not willing to make a guess as to how to accurately simulate these items in MegaTraveller... 8-)

Date: Wed, 23 Aug 1995 12:42:01 +0100 (BST)
From: Duncan Law-Green
Subject: HEPlaR & Fusion Drives again [science]

Health warning: I'm an observational astronomer by trade, not a nuclear or plasma physicist, so please don't take this as gospel :-)

Two related notes: How big would the reaction mass "flame" behind a Heplar or fusion equipped ship be. Since the reaction mass IIRC is around 10^6 C, shouldn't it be visible from a great distanc, like multiple AU?

The flame would be very hot, but when travelling at a speed of 67 km/s (4hexes per turn) or a similar order of magnitude, the reaction mass expended would be spread out across such a large area that it would not be easily visible. The exhaust near the ship would be hotter, but the greatest signiture would come from the end of the ship heating up, which would accumulate heat, rather than the exhaust itself.

This is something which has bothered me about TNE for some time. Any ship with an operating fusion drive will create a clearly defined 'drive plume' visible across a wide spectrum (soft X-ray to radio) and likely to be tens of thousands of km long. In effect: I'm here --- shoot me! :)

To achieve the kinds of specific impulse described for TNE drives, the reaction mass emitted by the ship would have to be travelling "backwards" at a healthy fraction of the speed of light. If it was otherwise unconfined, the plasma trail would expand "sideways" at its internal sound speed, which would be considerably less than the exhaust a narrow "drive plume". Magnetic effects may make the plume even narrower (an effect called "flux-freezing" would drag magnetic field from the drive's magnetic confinement 'bottle' out into the plume and wrap the field around it).

If I was looking for a fusion drive plume, I'd look at UV wavelengths (free-free emission from the ultra-hot plasma), optical (line emission from recombining hydrogen and helium), and radio (synchrotron emission from charged particles in the magnetic fields of the plume). Radio interferometry especially would be able to pinpoint the ship very nicely (fractional-arcsecond accuracy) :)

I'd have to do some guesstimating, but I reckon that high-tech passive EMS sensors could _image_ (not just detect) a drive plume as far out as the orbit of Jupiter.

And second, would using a fusion drive in the region from the upper atmosphere to LEO generate an EMP?

HEPlaR is not radioactive, so it wouldn't. Fusion rockets would certainly emit a lot of electromagnetic radiation, but it probably wouldn't be an EMP. The energy from the fusion rocket is output more gradually than from a nuclear explosion, so there would be a constant wash of radiation rather than a pulse. This radiation might be enough to disrupt electronics depending on the size of the rocket and the range involved.

*Blink* far as I'm aware, radioactivity isn't a prerequisite for an EMP. An EMP as I understand it arises from a large mass of ionised material moving very rapidly (moving charges radiate EM radiation). If the HEPlaR produces an ionised exhaust, then it should produce EMP-like effects (but probably only a fairly weak, continuous effect, as stated above). More dangerous would be flying _through_ the magnetic "drive plume" of another ship...if you were moving quickly enough that could well blow all your electronics :-)

Oh well, just my Cr0.02...

Date: Wed, 23 Aug 1995 21:07:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: John ---- ---------- <>
Subject: Fusion/HEPLAR Drives

From: Brendan O'Donovan writes:
I suggest the following thruster as a TL9 solution for planetary landings
TL Type             Th   MCr    MaxT    FC     FT     Airframe
9  HeatJet          8    0.5    -       2.00   Lhyd   Hyper
The heat jet passes liquid hydrogen around a fusion reactor, heating it and boiling it, expelling it as a gas. This is a precursor to the HEPlaR drive, but the hydrogen does not reach a plasma state. Although considerably inferior to the fusion rocket which becomes available at the same time, it is a cleaner alternative, and can be used within planetary atmospheres.

From: Neil Taylor with its own HePLAR drive and sensors cou by using lots of reaction mass. If you had big enough this is almost how the fusion drive works anyway. I think the Trav version has the Lhyd dumped into the fusion core; but all realistic proposals (eg from NASA) have in fact used your plasma drive, fueled by the reactor heat.

This answers my question about realistic HePLAR. I'll just pick an exhaust temperature I like and work out performance from there.

I said:

Two related notes: How big would the reaction mass "flame" behind a Heplar or fusion equipped ship be. Since the reaction mass IIRC is around 10^6 C, shouldn't it be visible from a great distanc, like multiple AU?
From: Duncan Law-Green
This is something which has bothered me about TNE for some time. Any ship with an operating fusion drive will create a clearly defined 'drive plume' visible across a wide spectrum (soft X-ray to radio) and likely to be tens of thousands of km long. In effect: I'm here --- shoot me! :)

stuff deleted

Radio interferometry especially would be able to pinpoint the ship very nicely (fractional-arcsecond accuracy) :)

I'd have to do some guesstimating, but I reckon that high-tech passive EMS sensors could _image_ (not just detect) a drive plume as far out as the orbit of Jupiter.

Wow! Thanks for the technical detail. What this means in game terms I think is that ships will be able to spot bogies from a long way off. They might not be able to get a targeting lock, but they will know someone is out there, maybe even system-wide. This might not matter much if most combats take place within the 100d limit of the mainworld, but it also means that there will be little chance of hiding elsewhere in the system if you ever turn on your drive.

Hmmm... What about stealth drives? A ship could intentionally run its drive "cool" by using extra reaction mass, but this would probably not reduce the plume signature signifigantly until fuel consumption become impossibly high. What about exotic drives useful for their low sig but not otherwise practical?

The other thing this brings up is the possibillity of intercepting intruders with "cruise" missiles which have their own HePLAR drives and sensors. Because they could take higher G's than a human-crewed vessel, they could intercept the target more quickly, and since bogies can be detected so far off they would provide a stand-off attack capability. Having their own drive would also allow them to carry a much larger warhead. Any ideas on the max G tolerance of missile components?

Thanks again to everyone who responded to my question.
-- M

Date: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 06:14:57 GMT
From: Brendan O'Donovan
Subject: HEPlaR drive plumes

Assume all that the energy from the drive went into heating the reaction mass. For the free trader this gives the mass 100MJ of energy each second. These MJ are distributed through the volume of exhaust produced in this time. This gives an energy density of about 300J/m^3 (at 4hex/turn, 1G). If you want a drive plume 10,000 km long, then the energy of the exhaust will be given up in 150 seconds. Very roughly, if we pretend that energy is lost at a uniform rate, this gives an output of 2W/m^3. This can be visualised as a 100W lightbulb every 10m along the exhaust trail. This seems really dim for the ranges involved, but I don't know how easy this would be to detect using sensors. Perhaps someone who has more knowledge of real world sensor operations could finish this off.

Also, in my apologising post I made another mistake - 'heterolytic' should be 'homolytic'.
-- Brendan

Date: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 13:50:58 -0500 (CDT)
From: Joseph L Lockett
Subject: Plasma Trails, Missiles, and Relativity

Re: the ongoing discussion on detecting HEPlaR plasma trails, I'd recall Wien's Displacement Law, which states that the peak wavelength of emitted photons is given by:

Lambda(max) * T = 0.29 cm*K

Given the high temperature of the emitted reaction mass (which I don't have handy), I suspect you'd get quite short-wavelength radiation, very possibly even in the X-ray range, which should be FAR easier to detect than mere thermal (infrared) emissions, and also less characteristic of "harmless" natural phenomena. I know *I'd* perk up if a raging X-ray source streaked into the solar system!

I suspect this, along with thermal radiation from those huge fusion plants, is exactly what is used in the "lock-on" from Brilliant Lances et alia. This doesn't help for contact missiles (which it sounds like some people are re-proposing), since Traveller lasers are such awesome point-defense weapons in interplanetary space. (Would that we had a harder-sf universe without gravitic focussing, but then it wouldn't be Traveller any more... :-) Detonation-laser missiles, of course, would use the same targetting and tracking information as larger vessels do: they can just afford to get closer to deliver their punch.

From: Peter L. Berghold
Subject: Relativity and its effects on navigation.

Given that everything in the universe is moving (quickly!) how do you calculate where things are in space? The light you see from a distant star system may or may not really give you a clue as to its location. In the time it takes for light or other radiation from a star system to get to you the object has moved from the point it was when the light was emitted. Same for your perspective in space. The place you are observing from is *also* moving so that changes the "value" for the observation even more...

So what is a navigator to do? This makes navigating in space REAL interesting...

You're both moving around the galactic center, so you use that for reference, subtract out its motion through space, then just adjust for individual variances. Since stars are unlikely to arbitrarily change their direction of motion, you make sure you have an adequate base of observations of proper motion, red/blue shift of spectral lines, etc. so that you can predict the destination star's movements. Yes, it might get tricky if we were going from here to the Larger Magellanic Cloud, or between different spiral arms all in one hop, but for distances of one to six parsecs, I doubt it makes that much of a difference. Perhaps you just have to make a little extra boost at the end of the trip to "catch up" on the star's (or planet's) orbital motion.
Joseph L. "Chepe" Lockett   | "Nullum magnum ingenium | GURPS fan, Amiga user,   |  sine mixtura dementiae | Shakespearean scholar, |  fuit." -- Seneca       | actor and director.

Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 14:11:34 -0400
Subject: Re: Improving MDrives by TL...

From: (Merrick Burkhardt)
[Referring to my improved Fusion Rockets...]
Could you post it again for me? That or just mail it to me. Thanks!
Done, plus free bonus items.
Item                    TL    Vol     Mass    Th    MCr     MinT    FC
----------------------- ----  ------- ----    ----  ------- ----    -------
Fusion Ram-jet          10      1       1       9   0.35    10      0.00035
Fusion Ram-jet          10M     0.7     0.49    9   0.35    10      0.00035
Fusion Rocket           10M     0.7     0.49    9   0.35    10      0.00035
What about a SD and BSD version? What are the material volume figures you're using? Just assume the thing is a cylinder of a some size? What thickness (or I guess armor value would be the thing here)?
The density of the rockets lead one to believe that most of the volume is supporting structure, of whatever shape, thus it makes a passible estimate to use armor values as a mode of comparison.

I haven't done SD or BSD versions, because these were developed for Steve's FF&S Trillion Credit Squadron-by-email game, which starts at TL10. He's still got openings, if you are interested...

I kinda like the idea of big military ships using fusion drives... makes large marshalling areas away from the major world(s) make sense. In CT really big ships usually didn't land (like above 5000tons, right?). That might be Imperial military standards... ships 5kt and below are fitted with HEPlaR for operating near commercial traffic. Big ships would have a small HEPlaR as a backup, and for close ship operations.
Well, we've always argued that HEPlaR are just a big a torch as a Fusion Rocket, only less efficient. So... for docking, my ships carry very small chemical rocket packs for docking maneuvers, and otherwise just watch where they point their torches. For atmospheric operations, that's what the above free item (Fusion Ram-Jet) was developed for. In GURPS Vehicles, it is known as the Fusion Air-Ram... A small fusion reactor heats intake air and spits a superheated air-jet out the back, along with its own exhaust. The exhaust is mildly radioactive--not dangerous, but trackable with a Geiger counter or similar detector... and is about as hot as a jet engine of similar thrust.

-- Cynthia

I've just passed the I-10/610 split, the road is empty in front 
of me, I've a 54-mile commute, 3000 pounds of Detroit steel at
my command, Judas Priest's "Freewheel Burning" is in the 

Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 16:04:13 +0200
From: Antti Lahtinen (
Subject: HePlaR efficiency

HePlaR efficiency I was trying to design better thrusters to be used with FFS rules, and first I decided to try some real-world efficiency calculations for the existing FFS thrusters. However, during the very first calculations I noticed that something was wrong with HePlaR thruster: HePlaR thruster appears to have a curious way to generate extra energy from nothing.

According to FFS, 1 MW HePlaR thruster consumes 0.25 m3 of liquid hydrogen in one hour. This amount can be converted to (0.25 m3 * 0.07 ton/m3 *1000 / 3600 s =>) 0.0049 kg/s.

Thrust: F = v * m/t [Newtons]
Power consumed by generated thrust: P = 0.5 * m/t * v^2 [Watts]
m/t = 0.0049 kg/s

Thrust in Newtons can be converted to tons by dividing the Newton value by (9.81 m/s^2 * 1000 =>) 9810.

With 1 MW input power and 100% efficiency, the exhaust velocity of plasma is:
v = sqrt(P/(0.5 * m/t)) = 20284 m/s

Thrust produced by this plasma stream is:
F = v * mt / 9810 = 0.0101 tons = 10.1 kg thrust

However, according to FFS, this thrust should be 20 tons, which is 1980.2 times the calculated value.

While thrust is proportional to exhaust velocity, the power consumption is proportional to the square of this exhaust velocity. Because of this, it is more efficient to have heavy exhaust with lower speed than light exhaust in high speed.

Derek Wildstar ( says:

Yes. Fixing the exhaust mass problem would require that the thruster consume even more fuel that it does now - which would be a problem.

One practical example of this realization is the difference between turbojet (TJ) and high-bypass-turbojet (HBT) engines. TJ engine sucks air and ejects it at high velocity jet, while HBT engine directs its exhaust into a turbine that rotates a ducted fan. (that is, gas turbine can be considered to be a turbojet with additional power turbine fixed at exhaust port)

This ducted fan moves larger volume (and therefore mass) of air than TJ, but with lower velocity. The end result is greater thrust with the same power input.

Some old TJ engines can be converted to HBT engines by adding this turbine/ducted fan assembly at the rear end of engine, (these converted turbojets are called Aft-fan -engines) but today most HBTs have build-in ducted fan, and are externally identical to TJs.

I think that the problem with HePlaR engine is that it appears to be working as a resitojet. This means that the hydrogen fuel itself does not give any extra energy to the exhaust jet, and is not used as propellant but as ejectant. The thrust would be much better if the thruster used rocket fuel that gives off extra energy when it is heated by the engine (EAPlaC), or if the hydrogen fuel would undergo fusion (Fusion Rocket).

        Antti Lahtinen    :     Justice is Only a Wish of a Weak :

From: Steven Bonneville (
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 16:21:51 -0600
Subject: Re: Isp of Rockets...

You asked, in ages past:
I'm not really up on the physics enough to figure this out. How would one calc the Isp from a rocket given the stuff that GDW presents in it's tables?

The short answer is, using the FF&S "Self Contained Thrusters" table, the Isp == (3600 / FC) seconds. Extending the table for HEPlaR and MW required gives (with the Fusion Rocket for reference):

TL  Type    Thrust    MCr   FC        FT   AF    MW req.
 9  Fusion    9 tons  0.35  0.000350  LHyd Hyper (- 0.18)
10  HEPlaR  200 tons  0.01  0.000875  LHyd Hyper  + 10.0

The fusion plant needed by the HEPlaR drive has minimal impact on the fuel usage of the drive. FC is measured in metric tons of fuel per ton of thrust per hour, which may be confusing. (Everything else uses figures based on one cubic meter of engine -- in my opinion, they should have used metric tons or cubic meters of fuel per cubic meter of the rocket per hour.)

The long answer is a bit more convoluted. Specific impulse is a measure of fuel efficiency. Officially,

Specific Impulse == (Force * Time) / (Weight of fuel to apply force)

However, I believe that the acceleration factor in the force and in the weight are the same in this situation and can be canceled to get the equation I gave you above. Since FC is expressed in metric tons of fuel per hour per "metric ton accelerated to 1 gee", we need a factor of 3600 to convert from hours to seconds. Normally, force and weight are given in Newtons and time and specific impulse are given in seconds. To get an acceleration of 1G (9.8 meters per second squared) on one metric ton (1000 kg) you need a force of 9800 N, and under one gee of acceleration, one metric ton of fuel weighs 9800 N. Plug these numbers, and the FC for HEPlaR into the equation above, and you get:

  Isp HEPlaR == (9800 N * 3600 sec/hr) / (9.8 m/s^2 * 0.875 kg/hr)
             == (9800 N * 3600 sec/hr) / (8.575 N/hr)
             == about 4.11 million seconds

...or using the quick FF&S equation,

  Isp HEPlaR == 3600 ton-seconds/hr / 0.000875 ton/hr
             == about 4.11 million seconds

Which is absurd, but this is SF. Even the modern rockets in FF&S are optimistic in regard to Isp -- I believe that the LOx/LHyd rocket has an Isp of 800 seconds or so, but a real rocket of this type, like the SSME (space shuttle main engine) gets only about 450 seconds.

  Steve Bonneville

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Joseph Heck ( 21 August 2000