Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1996 06:26:50 -0400 (EDT)
From: pawn@CAM.ORG (Glenn Grant)
Subject: House rules: Hit Location

Hit Location Table

For every successful hit, roll two dice, pre-selecting one die as "tens" and the second as "ones".

Roll damage, reducing dice if location is armored.

If no stats are reduced to zero by the hit, see "Superficial" for secondary effects of wound.

If 1 stat reduced to 0, see "Minor" wound effect. Minor Wound effects such as fractures (Frac) and impaired organs (Impd) are temporary and will heal completely with proper medical attention.

If 2 stats reduced to 0, see "Major" wound effect. Even with proper medical attention, Major Wounds effects can result in character being permanently impaired, depending on Tech Level of medical facility.

When rolling damage, any roll of two sixes is a Critical Hit, which is counted as a Major Wound, even if no stats reduced to 0.

Generally, effects are cumulative: if a Major Wound is received, Superficial and Minor effects are also applied.

Generally, hit is received on side nearest the attacker. When needed, roll 1D for Right (1-3) or Left (3-6).

                    Hit Location Table

    Location        Superficial     Minor       Major

11  hand            Drop items      Frac        Impd/Amp
12  wrist           Drop items      Frac        Impd/Amp
13  lower arm       Drop items      Frac        Impd/Amp
14  elbow           Drop items      Frac        Impd/Amp
15  upper arm       Drop items      Frac        Impd/Amp
16  upper arm       Drop items      Frac        Impd/Amp
21  shoulder        Drop Items      Frac        Impd/Amp
22  shoulder        Drop items      Frac        Impd/Amp
23  cranium/ear     Stuns 1 rd    Frac/Conc     Brain
24  cranium/crown   Stuns 1 rd    Frac/Conc     Brain
25  face/eye        Stuns 1 rd    Fract/Impd    Brain
26  face/jaw        Stuns 1 rd    Frac/Impd     Throat 1p/r
31  neck                          Throat 1p/r   Spine
32  top of torso                    Frac        Spine
33  top of torso                    Frac        Artery 2p/r
34  upper torso                     Frac        Artery 2p/r
35  upper torso                   Lung 1p/r     Heart 2p/r
36  mid-torso                     Lung 1p/r     Spine
41  mid-torso                     Lung 1p/r     Artery 1p/r
42  upper abdomen                 Intl 1p/r     Intl 2p/r
43  upper abdomen                 Intl 1p/r     Intl 2p/r
44  lower abdomen                 Intl 1p/r     Intl 2p/r
45  lower abdomen                 Intl 1p/r     Intl 2p/r
46  pelvis                          Frac        Spine
51  groin                           Impd        Intl 1p/r
52  hip/buttocks                    Frac        Impd hip
53  hip/buttocks                    Frac        Impd hip
54  upper leg       Fall            Frac        Artery 2p/r
55  upper leg       Fall            Frac        Impd leg/Amp
56  above knee      Fall            Frac        Impd leg/Amp
61  above knee      Fall            Frac        Impd leg/Amp
62  knee            Fall            Frac        Impd knee/Amp
63  shin/calf       Fall            Frac        Impd leg/Amp
64  shin/calf       Fall            Frac        Impd leg/Amp
65  ankle/heel      Fall            Frac        Impd ankle/Amp
66  foot            Fall            Frac        Impd foot/Amp

#p/r = character receives additional points of damage per subsequent round, until medical attention received. At referee's discretion, extra damage may cease before character dies.

Drop Items = may not be automatic.

Stun = Stunned characters may not attack or move for 1 round, longer in the case of more serious wounds. May require rest to recover fully.

Fall = May not be automatic (see below). May incur extra damage, usually 1pt, depending on situation.

Frac = Fracture. Referee may determine specific bone fractured.

Impd = Impaired function (see above).

Conc = Brain concussion. May be mild, causing headaches, or serious, causing migraines, dizzyness, seizures, etc. Severity increases if character loses consciousness.

Lung = Lung puncture, causes additional damage. Usually accompanied by fractured ribs.

Throat = Throat wound impairs breathing, causes additional damage.

Intl = Internal organ hit, causes additional damage.

Brain = At referee's discretion, effects may include partial or total paralysis, coma, speech impairment, blindness, personality change, seizures, etc, depending on amount of damage taken and swiftness of medical attention.

Spine = Almost always causes paralysis. Extent and severity to be determined by referee.

Heart = Heart injury causes additional damage. Usually accompanied by fractured ribs.

Artery = Major artery hit, causes additional damage.

Amp = Potential amputation; if large amount of damage received in a single hit, amputation may occur, at referee's discretion. If so, character receives further 1 to 3 pts damage per subsequent round until medical attention received. Energy weapon hits do not incur extra damage, as wound is automatically cauterized.

Referee should use judgement at all times to determine specific location/effects. For instance, a Superficial Wound to "cranium/ear" is clearly a head hit close to the ear, whereas a Minor or Major Wound could mean skull fracture, impaired hearing, or concussion, perhaps all three, depending on the amount of damage received.

If "Stopping Power" house rule is being used, head and leg hits incur a negative DM when charcter rolls to remain standing. Any roll of two ones is a Spectacular "Success" - in which case the character not only remains standing, but is not immediately aware that he or she has been hit, regardless of the amount of injury sustained!

For hits from automatic fire, shotguns, or explosives, it is generally assumed that the rolled hit location is for the most serious of a group of wounds (which are not rolled).

Separate Hit Location tables should be prepared for each non-humanoid sophont species.

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Portions of this material are Copyright ©1977-1996 Far Future Enterprises.

Joseph Heck ( 21 August 2000