Date: Wed, 27 Sep 1995 16:43:30 -0500 From: Steven Bonneville Subject: RC Economic Statistics Quick Economic Statistics of the Reformation Coalition The following numbers were thrown together with rules from classic Traveller. In particular, first edition Striker and Trillion Credit Squadron rules were used to get some economic information about the worlds of the RC. World data is according to _Path of Tears_. Reformation Coalition population: 1.9 billion (1201, _Path of Tears_) Of this population, about 36% are Schalli, the remainder mainly humans. Average TL per capita: 10.2 Maximum TL: 12, at Aubaine/Aubaine. Average TL per capita is the tech level of each world, multiplied by the population of each world, divided by the number of worlds. The result is the approximate average TL enjoyed by the general populace. Total RC Gross Domestic Product: TCr 30.86 By worlds with GDPs over TCr 0.1: Oriflamme TCr 8.00 (25.9%) tech-9 Aubaine TCr 20.48 (66.4%) tech-12 Nike Nimbus TCr 0.84 (2.7%) tech-9 Fija TCr 0.672 (2.1%) tech-10 Baldur TCr 0.3 (0.97%) tech-9 Lucifer TCr 0.288 (0.93%) tech-8 The other worlds of the RC only contribute, in total, 1% of the GDP. These numbers came from a strict application of the Striker rules. I did not weight the numbers in this first table using the exchange rate table. It's possible that Aubaine has a far lower GDP due to lower use of technology by the Schalli majority. Aubaine's massive GDP advantage over Oriflamme is due to its' technology advantage and the fact that Aubaine is a Rich world. Spires is so low-tech that it doesn't have a GDP that's measurable by the Striker system. In the old days in the Imperium, military expenditures would be about 3% of these figures in total for local and Imperial expenditures, but it should be higher in the RC -- too high, though, and the tax burden on business would hurt the expansion. I didn't figure out the naval budgets as given in TCS, and the figures you get there contradict the figures suggested in Striker slightly. I think that the old Striker rules may give results that are a bit low for a developed region like the Imperium or Regency, but that may actually accurately reflect the RC's economic circumstances. Average Coalition GDP per capita: Cr 16500 For worlds with population greater than ten million: Oriflamme Cr 10000 | Cr 6500 Cr 15400 Aubaine Cr 25600 | Cr 21800 Cr 30100 Ri Nike Nimbus Cr 12000 | Cr 7200 Cr 20000 Ag Fija Cr 9600 | Cr 5760 Cr 16000 Po Spires -barter- | -barter- -barter- Ag Baldur Cr 10000 | Cr 6000 Cr 16700 Lucifer Cr 9600 | Cr 4800 Cr 19200 Ag Total RC GDP per capita is calculated directly from the numbers in the first table. The first column is in the same units, except by the most populous seven planets. On the other side of the bar, the second column uses the exchange rate tables assuming the numbers in the first column are in local credits and that we want Imperial Cr. The third table also uses the exchange rate table, but assumes that the first column is in Imperial credits and that we want local Cr. Relevant trade codes for the worlds are in the fourth column, for reference. Reference to Spires being Non-Industrial in PoT is wrong; it has a UWP population of more than 6 in 1201. Shipbuilding and overhaul capacity: Aubaine 960,000 tech-12 class-A Oriflamme 1,120,000 tech-9 class-B Aurora 8,400 (O:RCN) tech-11 class-B Trybec 8,400 (O:RCES) tech-10 class-B Kruyter 4 (O:Kruytercorp) tech-11 class-B Aubaine is the only class-A starport; the others are all class-B. Capacity is in displacement-tons. Rules from TCS were used; it was assumed that the RC is at a maximum war footing. The two worlds owned by the military recieved multipliers as if they were civil- service bureaucracies, as Aubaine is. The advanced military yards are small, but big enough to perform major refits, overhauls, or repairs on a number of clipper-class ships at once. The class-B starport on Kruyter is barely operational -- it can't even service a craft the size of a Rampart fighter in its' refitting bays. Class-C starports aren't included. They're capable of basic repairs, but not heavy-duty jobs or major ship overhauls, so they aren't as key to the RC economy as the A and B class starports. Since even the Standard Astrotronics yards at the starport at Aubaine can't have been operational much before 1198, and that there are other starports there just coming on line, it's likely that the RC is not yet operating their ports at this full capacity. The time it took for the clippers to come off the line does jibe well with ship construction times from classic Traveller. Steve Bonneville