Date: Fri, 06 Oct 1995 19:39:30 -0400 From: (Commander X) Subject: Hacker/Computer Rules The first thing we will discuss are the tools of the trade, the personal computer. These things look very much like(asa matter of fact they are) the hand computers in the TNE rulebook. I have added stats to this basic handcomp and added varios tech levels to the basic chart. And now, the chart... TL CPU/Storage media INTellegence 7 1/5 Magnetic 3 8 5/10 Magnetic 4 9 10/25 Optical Disk 5 11 15/40 Optical Disk 6 13 25/50 Holocrystal 7 15 35/75 Holocrystal 8 17 50/100 Bioneural 9 (Please note that mainframe computers multiply memory by 10) So what does all this mean? the CPU/Storage factor should look familiar to CT fans. CPU is the amount of programs(in Memory Units or MU) the computer can run at any one time. Very much like Ancient Terran RAM chips used to do. The storage is how much total MU the computer may store. Kinda like an Ancient Terran Hard Drive. media is what kind of storage media is compatiable. Magnetic Disk, Optical Disk, or Holographic Datacrystal. The big number for a computer is its INTellegence. This is a factor of how fast and how well the computer can process data. In actual use, it, is the factor that will set jump co-ords when it uses a jump program, or calculate the airspeed velocity of a Swallow, African and European! In game terms, the computers INT works the same as a characters INT. It is also the computers Initiative value. Where do we ge the asset from? Programs! (thats why we have the memory stats!) Standard programs work the same was as skills do. This info is taken right out of the Robots rules in Vampire Fleets. The memory cost of a standard program is equivalent to its skill level or STRength. For example, Physics 1 costs 1 MU, Astrogation 5 costs 5 MU, etc... That's the basic stuff, now how do we hack things? Simple, first you need a computer, then some way to conect into the local net, a datacable or a radiocom or a cell phone will do. then you need HACKING PROGRAMS! Hacking programs are those programs which, well, hack. They cost 1.5xSTR(rounded up) MU. these are used to bash down a data fortress' walls, decrypt data, derez ICE, and other Neato Keen ILLEGAL type stuff. Oh, but before I show you the programs, we need to discuss Tasks. All computer tasks are considered to be confrontational. Computer Asset of Hacker plus (Hackers Program Asset minus NPC Computers Asset) Example: To hack thru a codegate is a difficult task Hacker has 13 Computer Asset, using a computer and a program with a total asset of 9 The NPC computers codewall asset is a 15 13+(9-15)=13-6=7 (owch!) Computer combat works the same way To hit an ICE program is a difficult task confrontational (Computer Asset +(Attack program-Defence Program) Dammage is the skill level(not asset) of the program in d6 Hit points of the program is 2xskill level If your defence program is gone, and the ice attacks, you are automaticaly kicked out of the net. Thats the basic facts for nethacking and ICE combat. Here's a little schpiel... Lets say I have a TL-11 handcomp Memory=15/40 INT=6 Wallcracker 3 (5mu) for breaking datawals Decryptor 5 (8mu) for decrypting data Shield 3 (5mu) defence program Fireball 3 (5mu) attack program 3d6 dammage Ok, I enter the Efate-Net. and I search for a bank computer. As the holgraphic thingy's and whatsits pass by as a cruse arround the net at the speed of light. (Meson coms are so fast! No data lag!) Now I'm at the entrance, the hologram looks like a bank foyer. there is no security here, just advertisement data floating arround, Ohh, thta codegate over there looks like where they keep the account files, letts give it a go! Loading Wallcracker, Shield, and Fireball programs Now Efate is TL-15(Got the RSB! ah, ha, ha!) so the computer has an INT of 8. The codegate program is a strength 10!(wow!) so this is how I stand. Computer 15+(my program(9)-its program(18))=6 Roll a d20...a 5! phew! I'm in. I look arround for my file, but theres a watchdog program in here with me! As I don't have a stealth program, it autodetects my signal. as it uses its intiative of 9 to allert, I'm gonna fry it with the fireball. 15+(9-10)(watchdog is just a lv 1 program)=14, I roll a 11, 3d6 minimaly does 3 hp and the dog only has 2 so it de-rezzes! Quickly I look for my file, the computer is aware of my existance. Got it, its protected, as I load the decryptor, the computer summons up a very nasty looking Samuri program. It attacks, 18+(18-9)=27. it rolls a 9, the shield is gone and I'm kicked out! Thats how things work normaly. Now for the abnormal... Cyberdecks Cyberdecks are just hand computers with a nueral jack attachment. They make all tasks one level easier and give a +1 to initiative or speed or the computer (remember speed=INT). Also if ICE attacks and you have no protection, all hits are to the HEAD! Psionics Psionics will show you what the computer's data looks like, but a hand computer is still nessecary to manipulate that data. At level 6 success all tasks are EASY! Well, that has to be one of my largest posts yet. If you like the rules, good. If not, feel free to change, twist, maime or otherwise fit them for your particular campain. I hope this will enhance the Trav rules on computers somewhat. CYA next time.