Date: Fri, 20 Jan 1995 11:09:48 -0500 From: Subject: YARS:Fixing anomalous stars.... Fixing anomalous stars in sector listings or, What do I do with this white dwarf? ------------------------------------ A very long time ago, several Traveller players noticed that the standard sector files had some, well, "peculiar" (read: stupid) combinations of worlds and stars. Rich, Agricultural worlds with 2 white dwarfs for suns, for example. Worlds described in old Classic Traveller adventures as hot, desert worlds were found to have M9 V cinders for suns... and so on. Some time back (last month), Harold Hale proposed that, while visiting Viral destruction on your favorite systems, Referees take the time to fix some of those weird world-star combos. He outlined some thumbrules* for doing so that would change things to better match observed stellar frequencies, and make sense, too. I said, "Great!", clipped and filed the article, and continued with Christmas planning. Since I like to write programs for the fun of it, and I find rolling dice for n-thousand worlds really, really tedious, I decided to write Yet Another Rexx Script to do the job, to be called SUNFIX.CMD. Howard Hale's algorithm ------------------------ While you're destroying interstellar civilization at the local level, you may also want to take the time to correct anomalous stellar data. All class "D" stars which are primaries (particularly with a main world that is even marginally habitable) should be changed to class "V"; all class "VI" stars should be "V" stars; all K5 through M9 class "IV" should be changed to class "V". ** why: There are no class VI stars; ditto for K5 thru M9 IV stars. Also, check to see if the main world and the star it circles are compatible. For example, it is next to impossible to have an "Earth-like" planet circling around a M6 V star. Geo Gelinas came up with a table to convert imcompatible mainworld-star combinations. All M4 V, M5 V, M6 V, M7V, M8 V, and M9V stars that have a habitable planet (one with atmosphere type 4-9 or D-F), should be converted using the table. Systems containing a M3 V star should be examined on an individual basis for conversion (a world circling such a star would be a *very* chilly place indeed...if you intend the world to be like Star Wars' iceplanet Hoth or some cold, barren desert it should work "as is", but if you had something a bit "balmier" in mind, change the star). DIE STELLAR ROLL CLASS 1 K 2 K 3 K 4 G 5 G 6 F Now that you've fixed the primaries, look at the companions. I decided that Harold's method of going back and forth counting white dwarfs and adjusting the count was too much of a hassle for a one-pass program; I assigned a flat 33% chance that an existing M type "D" white dwarf would remain a white dwarf, albeit changed in spectral class, or turn into a 'V'. Use the following table to assign the new spectral class. TABLE 1 (Use D20) TABLE 2 (Use D6) DIE STELLAR DIE STELLAR ROLL CLASS ROLL CLASS 1 Re-roll on Table 2 1-2 O 2-8 A 3-4 B 9-10 F 5-6 A 11-12 G 13-19 K TABLE 3 (Use D6) 20 Re-roll on Table 3 DIE STELLAR ROLL CLASS 1-3 K 4-6 M ** why change spectral class? The universe isn't old enough for there to be very many M white dwarfs, and they'd be in Population II clusters, not the Population I areas where Traveller is set. Make sure you note all changes in stellar data (for primaries and companions) on the 1117 or 1129 stats as well. The result will be stellar data that not only reflects the Universe accordi ng to the TNE stellar generation rules, but also to some degree the Real Universe (or what we currently know about it). Stellar distribution information, courtesy of Edward Swatschek: ---------------------------------------------------------- % ------ M 70 K 15 G 10 F 4 A 1 Some other useful stats: Steller density: 80 systems per 1000 cubic parsecs (average separation of 1.4 parsecs). Of the closest 26 star systems, 65% solitary (17) 17% binary (8) 4% trinary (1) Of those 36 stars, 92% main sequence (33) 8% white dwarf (3) Two of the three white dwarfs (DA) were part of binary systems, and circled the two most luminous stars (Sirius and Procyon). The final one is a solitary DG. -------------------------------------------------------- * thumbrules : become "heuristics" when writing papers on A.I. -- Cynthia