RINTARNA SYSTEM DATA Star: M0V Mass: 0.497 Luminosity: 0.044 0= X887876-5 Ri Td B:3 (was B887A99-D/3 Hi) 1= YS00000-0 (was GS00219-D/4 Re) 2= H000000-0 50m, n-10 m-20 c-70, 0.1 AU (was F000768-D/8 Re Mi Co) 3= LGG (UWP size 140) 3= YS00000-0 5= Y100000-0 11= Y764000-0 (was G764529-C/6) 16= Y300000-0 20= Y400000-0 40= Y300000-0 55= Y623000-0 (was H62313A-C/7) 4= LGG (UWP size 210) 1= YR00000-0 20= Y100000-0 40= Y300000-0 5= SGG (UWP size 75) 7= Y410000-0 9= Y520000-0 25= Y400000-0 35= Y410000-0 6= Y305000-0 (was Y30523C-C/5) 7= Y300000-0 (was G300129-D/6 Re) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RINTARNA WORLD DATA Diameter: 13,107 km (Size "8.2") molten core density: .96 Mass: 1.03 Gravity: 0.98 Orbital Period: 46.34 standard days Rotation: 31.485 hours Axilal Tilt: 45 degrees ecentricity: 0.000 Atmospheric Pressure: 1.7 standard Average Temperature: 35 degrees C native life present seismic stress: 6 Hydrographic: 70.0% 2 major continents, 4 minor, 11 major islands, 4 archipeligoes pre-war resources: Natural: Agricultural, Ores Processed: Agroproducts, Metals, Non-metals Manufactured: Parts, Consumables, Durables Information: Recordings, Software, Documents Current Resources: Natural: Agricultural Processed: Agroproducts, Non-metals Manufactured: none Information: Documents --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRE-COLLAPSE POPULATION STATISTICS Population: 31.4 Billion Cities: Size A: 2 9: 1 8: 4 7: 6 6: 7 5: 12 Progressiveness: Conservative, Indifferent Agressiveness: Unagressive, Neutral Extensiveness: Harmonious, Aloof tech string: DD-DDDDF-DDDD-DD-F legal profile: undivided uniformity, 9-A4795 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1200 POPULATION STATISTICS Population: 325 million Populated Areas: size 8: 0 7: 0 6: 42 5: 115 4: 805 3: 2242 3 Major powers, 13 Minor powers, numerous tertiary or isolated polities. (defining "Major" as controlling at least 15% of the population, "Minor" controlling between 1 and 15%, tertiary controlling 1% or less. Classification may be adjusted based on resources/industrial base) Social outlook (Progr., Agres., Extens.) varies with region and group. Tech Profile: (varies, but among the technical societies): 53-53535-5353-??-D Military TL varies too much to quantify for world Legal profile varies with region ------------------------------------------------------------------------==== Notes on the population change: The original interim 1200 UWP for Rintarna gave it a population of 60 billion at tech level 8. I thought that these levels of technological and industrial bases would make Rintarna a major player in Aoreriyya very soon after recontact, which is the role we have in mind for Pendang. Rather than create another Pendang, I decided to reduce both tech and pop to manageable levels while still keeping a large population with plenty of room for adventures. I couldn't get any way of reducing the population significantly by either HT (without destroying it) or TNE, so I used a fudge with the TNE collapse effects. Rintarna's weather is, to understate, not mild. High axial tilt, high temperature fluctuations, and a short year means Rintarna has more energy to get rid of in a shorter timespan than the equivalent storm-seasons or hurricaine-seasons on Earth. Add to that the 1.7atm pressure, and you wind up with monster storms VERY frequently. For a thirty-or-so billion population on a world like this, I thought arcologies would be a favored housing pattern. Not those tall, soaring spires that usually come to mind upon hearing "arcology", but instead massive artificial mountains. HT effects aren't too bad, so no major upheavals. Enter the Virus. What happens to those folks deep in these artificial mountains when it shuts everything off (or worse, blows things up)? Lights, power, air circulation, temperature control, everything. SOP for some big problem would be "sit tight until the rescue crews come." But those crews are busy trying to cut themselves out, at least those not cut off from their tools. For those that can get out, the surface can be a nasty place. The summer/winter temperature fluctuation can be 72 degrees C (130 F) in some places. How many people know how to dig into the ground to insulate them- selves against the extremes? How many learned to really "rough it", not just get some Wilderness Scout merit badges during the mild weeks? So, I fudged things a bit and treated the arcologies as "uninhabitable" which they were over the long term, and treated the MSP as having modifiers equivalent to a tainted atmosphere and a scarce (1 or 2) hydrosphere, to estimate those who were able to get out of the arcos and survive long enough to sustain themselves long-term. That still left a population in the hundreds of millions, so I figured that would work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------==== Unusual Dwellings: In most areas, Rintarnan cities and dwellings are built into the ground, using a meter or more of soil as insulation against the extreme temperatures. An arrangement similar to some peoples in North Africa (Luke Skywalker's home in the first Star Wars movie was filmed there) is common. Also cliff- and cave-dwellings, and at least on group has moved into a "Mines of Moria"-type setup that was carved out during the Long Night and had been turned into a historical park by the arco-dwellers. The people are all in the normal Solomani size range, however, and beards are a personal choice. :) =========================================================================== Esokhoi Star: F5V 0= YS00000-0 1= YS00000-0 2= Y330000-0 3= Y690000-0 30= YS00000-0 55= YS00000-0 4= Esokhi X877574-2 7= YS00000-0 40= YS00000-0 45= YS00000-0 5= SGG (UWP Size= ???) 1= RING 11= Y300100-1 6= Y506000-0 7= SGG (UWP Size= ???) 65= Y400000-0 8= SGG (UWP Size= ???) 6= Y500000-0 40= Y850000-0 9= LGG (UWP Size= ???) 2= RING 7= Y200000-0 8= Y500000-0 9= Y100000-0 13= Y700162-1 25= Y200215-1 30= Y700132-1 35= Y500000-0 45= Y400000-0 60= Y500000-0 10= LGG (UWP Size= ???) 2= RING 7= Y500217-1 8= Y200000-0 11= Y500000-0 13= Y100000-0 35= Y300000-0 55= Y200000-0 100= Y200000-0 ======================================================================== 122 Marion System Star: M5V 0= X7B4000-0 Ba Fl Lo Ni N:L 1= YS00000-0 2= LGG (UPP Size 180) 1= YR00000-0 2= YR00000-0 3= YR00000-0 5= Y674000-0 6= Y100000-0 30= YS00000-0 40= Y400000-0 3= Y531000-0 7= YS00000-0 4= SGG (UPP Size 80) 5= SGG (UPP Size 90) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Size: 11040km (UWP Size "6.9") Rocky Body, Density .52 Mass: .33 Grav: .45 G Orbital Period: 0.155 years (56.78 days) Rotation Period: 10.66 hours Axial Tilt: 27 degrees Seismic Stress Factor: 2 Atmosphere: Corrosive: Normal -25C to 50C Pressure: 0.8 atm Base Temperature: 0 degrees C Native Life Hydrosphere: atmosphere related chemical mix, 38% 4 major oceans, 12 minor oceans, 11 small seas, 2 scatted lakes Resources: Natural : Agricultural ======================================================================== 122 Skeena System Star: M0V 0= SGG (UPP Size 80) 7= X799475-2 Ni B:A i2 10= Y432000-0 1= LGG (UPP Size 160) 5= Y484000-0 6= Y662000-0 8= Y300000-0 13= Y200000-0 45= HR00000-0 225= Y200000-0 2= LGG (UPP Size 170) 3= Y300000-0 5= Y100000-0 6= Y300000-0 7= Y510000-0 8= Y100000-0 9= Y400000-0 10= YS00000-0 11= H200000-0 12= Y5A0000-0 -- The two satellites with the H spaceport are most likely remains from early spaceports and possible settlements that the Virus doomed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeena World Data: X799475-2 Ni B:A i2 Planetary Data Large Gas Giant: 294,000km (size "184") Period: 46.71 standard days (around Star) eccentricity: 0.005 Diameter: 11,200km (size "7.0") Molten core, density: .94 Mass: 0.63 standard Surface Gravity: 0.82g Rotation: 30.425 hrs Period: 7.3 standard days (around Gas Giant) Axial tilt: 24 degrees Atmospheric pressure at sea level: 2.2 standard Atmospheric taint: sulfur compounds Average tempurature: -5 degrees C, +/- 0.5 degrees for eccentricity (The error in this seems to lie between -10 and 4 degrees C) ly Hydrographic surface: 94% tectonic plates: 10 2 minor continents, 13 major islands, 6 archipelegoes Trade Classes: Non Industrial Resources: Natural: Radioactives, Compounds Processed: Agroproducts Population Data Total world population: 40,000 --The government on the planet consists of a charismatic dictator and a small "rebel" population. The "rebel" population is fairly small, and has no set governmental structure. They keep a relative law level of 8. Progressiveness: Conservative, Advancing Agressiveness: Unagressive, Peaceable Extensiveness: Discordant, Xenophobic Notable Customs: Offworld contact prohibited for certain sex Unusual attitudes towards medical figures Unusual headgear for medical figures --Considering the relative continuity of population between 1115 and 1200 and the taint of sulphuric compounds in the atmosphere, the unusual customs regarding medical figures probably reflects their importance to this society. 1115: 2032 C799435-A Ni 803 Na 1200: 2032 X799475-2 Ni B:A i2 403 Na M0 V --The xenophobia is from the Hard Times data generated here. Law Profile: Overall: 7 (Xenophobic +2 Law Levels) Weapons: 4 Trade: 8 Criminal Law: 7 Civil Law: 9 Personal Freedom: 6 Tech profile: High Common: 2 Low Common: 0 Energy: 3 Computer: 1 Communications: 3 Medical: 3 Environmental: 3 Land Transport: 3 Water Transport: 3 Air Transport: 0 Space Transport: 0 Personal Military: 3 Heavy Military: 3 Novelty: 8 ======================================================================== 122 Drinsaar System Stars: K5V and M5V, separation 38.8 AU (orbit number 9) _K5V_system 0= YS00000-0 1= D885747-6 Drinsaar (this is a change from the interim stats) 10= YS00000-0 40= Y200000-0 2= YS00000-0 3= SGG (UPP size 80) 1= YR00000-0 9= YS00000-0 12= YS00000-0 30= Y300000-0 35= Y100000-0 4= Y222000-0 _M5V_system 0= YS00000-0 1= YS00000-0 2= Y706000-0 15= Y100000-0 3= YS00000-0 4= LGG (UPP size 210) 4= Y200000-0 7= Y200000-0 8= Y200000-0 9= Y300000-0 13= Y400000-0 35= Y720000-0 40= Y300000-0 45= Y400000-0 55= Y600000-0 65= Y510000-0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRINSAAR WORLD DATA Diameter: 13,440km (size "8.4") molten core, density: .98 Mass: 1.15 standard Surface Gravity: 1.04g Rotation: 30.425 hrs period: 122 standard days (96.24 local days) Axial tilt: 15 degrees eccentricity: 0.0 Atmospheric pressure at sea level: 1.52 standard Average tempurature: 8 degrees C (note: a small tweak in the star's luminosity could push this as high as 37 degrees before changing the star class to K4, so effectively it could be set at anything in this range) Hydrographic surface: 53% tectonic plates: 5 6 major continents, 4 minor continents, 8 major islands, 4 archipelegoes Trade Classes: Agricultural, Rich Resources: Natural: Agricultural, Compounds Processed: Agroproducts, Non-metals Manufactured: Consumables Cities 1 million+ : 1 (1.7 million) 100K to 1 M: 26 10K to 100K: 75 1K to 10K : 266 100 to 1K : 720 Total world population: 16,600,000 (human + 1 Poramat) Government can be roughly described as a parlimentary system. Tech profile: 64-56778-5667-64-8 ======================================================================== 122 Ildran Star G4V Mass:.96 standard Luminosity: .778 standard 0= YS00000-0 1= empty 2= SGG (UWP size 32) 3= YS00000-0 6= Y100000-0 9= YS00000-0 20= Y200000-0 (1115: F200269-? Main IISS base in system) 3= DREXILTHAR (1115: B46969D-7 IISS orbital base, maybe IISS administrated the starport) note: gov type- impersonal bureaucracy, law level D. maybe this reflects those areas under IISS administration rather than Iltharan law. 4= Y410000-0 5= Y000000-0 (100m, n-10 m-10 c-80, .5 AU) 6= SGG (UWP size 63) 15 = Y300000-0 7= SGG (UWP size 51) 2= YR00000-0 6= YS00000-0 9= Y210000-0 25= Y100000-0 45= Y310000-0 8= Y200000-0 9= LGG (UWP size 203) 5= Y222000-0 7= Y310000-0 15= Y520000-0 35= YS00000-0 50= Y330000-0 10= Y730000-0 35= Y210000-0 11= YAA5000-0 7= YS00000-0 25= Y330000-0 ============================================================================ DREXILTHAR WORLD DATA (from Pilot's Guide) Mean orbital radius: .96 AU Period: 350.64 days Diameter: 7725 km (size "4.8") <-- using WBH, you would get this from a UWP size 5, not 4. Do we adjust the UWP? Density: 1.01 Mass: .126 standard <-- I calculate .218 for a size 4.8 world Mean surface gravity: .51g <-- My calculation: .60g Rotation Period: 23h 19m 27s =23.324 hours Axial tilt: 15.086 degrees Albedo: .31 <-- With all the ice and clouds, this should be much higher Surface atmospheric pressure: .8 standard Composition: standard oxygen-nitrogen mix, breathable without assistance Hydrographic: 90% Mean surface temperature: -2 degrees C <-- If albedo were at a more reasonable value, this would be down at -74 I suggest a relatively high level of seismic/volcanc activity, so that ash-covered ice drives down the albedo. This needn't be in the habitable regions towards the equator, however. NOTE ABOUT MY CALCULATIONS: For mass, gravity, and things that require use of the UWP size stat, I extend it a little with the "size point something" notation that I used above (in this case, 4.8). This adjusts things for the actual world size without getting overly complicated. For the "normal" way of calculating things, the original version is accurate. PROPOSED ADDITIONS FOR WBH STUFF: molten core Orbital eccentricity: 0.000 Seismic stress factor: from 1 to 7, as desired, probably high native life Land area= 49 hexes on map 3 continents, islands and archipelagoes exist, determined by whoever maps it. Resources (using 1115 UWP) Natural: Ores, Crystals Processed: Agroproducts, Metals Manufactured: Durables, Weapons Information: Documents 1200 resources to be determined Cities to be determined by mapping needs Tech profile to be determined ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Botany Bay System profile (circa 1200) Primary: Carmondy. F5 V. Luminosity 1.37. Mass 1.3. Orbit Name UWP Pop 0 Firefly Y410000-0 5 Firefly A YS00000-0 8 Firefly B YS00000-0 30 Firefly C YS00000-0 1 Resolution Belt Y000103-4 As Lo Ni 1 2 La Perouse H750000-0 3 Forth Y400000-0 4 Yuan Y200000-0 5 Botany Bay D643534-5 Ni Po 2 12 Cook H112000-0 Botany Bay is not a particularly well-endowed system, with no gas giant and only two worlds with freestanding water, and with the rest of the worlds clustered closely around the bright primary. The innermost, Firefly, is a world much like Mercury in the Sol/Terra system - a hot and inhospitable ball of rock, with a trace atmosphere.n being nearly 50% of the width, and the carbonacious section being only 10%. In the past year, a small number of prospectors -largely immigrants from the Coonabarabran belt - have started operations in the Resolution belt. In the 3rd orbit is La Perouse, the largest world in the system, which contained a research base prior to the collapse. Although all the inhabitants died, much of the base and associated spaceport remains intact, although unused. Next are two small, airless worlds, Forth and Yuan. Finally there is Botany Bay itself, with its small moon, Cook. These two worlds are the only ones with free-standing water (or ice) on their surfaces, and it is here that most of the human activity in the system takes place. Cook is currently uninhabited, but there was a small spaceport (basically a refuelling spot) here pre-collapse. The spaceport, although not in as good condition remains and is used occasionally by the merchants of the Gralyn Union. Botany Bay itself is not an ideal world, with a thin, tainted atmosphere, comparatively small hydrosphere and temperature range on the cool side, but it is certainly the only earthlike world in the system, and indeed has its own native lfeforms. Botany Bay History Although frequently visited as a refuelling point, the Botany Bay system was not colonised until well into the era of the Third Imperium. During the Aslan Border wars it served as an impromptu supply base and refuelling station for the Imperials - there was never any permanent settlement, just a succession of temporary bases over a period of 200 years. No base was in place for more than 10 years before it was moved, demolished or destroyed and for much of the time there was no habitation at all. After the Peace of Ftahlar?? and under the terms of that treaty, the base was finally removed and the system remained uninhabited for over a century. In 492 a Solomani megacorporation called Aphelion Enterprises established a research base on Botany Bay. Aphelion Enterprises was based on Terra, but operated largely in the Spinward areas of what was the Solomani confederation - in particular Magyar Sector. Aphelion Enterprises had interests ranging from genetic engineering to transportation to mining. It was the mining subdivision which initiated the activity on Botany Bay - a recent survey had inidicated that there might be significant, commercial-grade quantities of lanthanum on Botany Bay. Further investigation revealed that this was the case, and so a small mining operation was established. The mine proved to be a flop, however, as the lanthanum quickly ran out, long before the initial set-up costs had been covered. Aphelion Enterprises continued to run the mine at a loss for tax purposes, but cut the staff back to a bare minimum. This was the situation until 588 when Terra finally joined the Thrid Imperium, bringing with it large tracts of Magyar sector. Aphelion Enterprises found much of its activities falling under Imperial law, and in particular the Imperial regulations on genetic experimentation - especially with sophonts - were considered far too restrictive by the corporation's executive. The solution was to find a world which was outside the Imperium and likely to be for some considerable time. Botany Bay was settled on, and became a major research establishment. Much of the effort of the facility was spent on creating genetically modified humans designed for specific worlds, usually as colonists, as well as some uplifting of non-sentient species. One of the first efforts was to genetically engineer workers suitable for the environment of Botany Bay itself. With lungs specifically designed to cope with the thin, tainted atmosphere and a physiognomy designed for the lower gravity of Botany Bay, the new workers were used to re-open the mines, which with the cheaper labour force were now profitable once more, and for farming and general duties around the research establishment. Aphelion Enterprises flourished during the next couple of hundered years, even through the turmoil of the Imperial Civil War, largely through it's transport division acting as a large-scale interface line between the Imperium and the surrounding worlds in the Solomani sphere. The gradual expansion of the Imperium and the declaration of the Solomani Autonomous Region in 704 caused somewhat of a loss in profitability of the interface trade, and a corresponding slide in the fortunes of Aphelion. Aphelion started to move its trade coreward to cover the Starlane and Daibei, but deterioration of relations between the fledgeling Solomani Confederation and the Imperium, leading to the outbreak of the Solomani Rim war in 988 were too much. Aphelion Enterprises found its markets destroyed by the conflict and soon after was declared bankrupt, despite a massive sale of assets. Most of the management of Botany Bay were recalled to Terra with the bankruptcy, along with some of the more senior scientists. The remaining inhabitants were effectively stranded, but for most Botany Bay was their home. When it became obvious that the remaining management were not sympathetic to the concerns of the people, there was a quiet coup by a coallition of workers and younger scientists. That was not the end of the difficulties, however. The coup effectively ended what little help the world was recieving from Aphelion, effectively disrupting the supply of most manufactured items. The level of technology swiftly fell as more and more effort was required to keep the mines operating and the people fed. After a few years, it was apparent that Botany Bay was not viable at a tech level that it's inhabitants would have liked. Without outside assistance it was clear that Botany Bay would soon callapse to a pre-industrial culture. The government of Botany Bay appealed to Gralyn, which was their major customer for ore, for help. At first the Gralynites were loath to do so, for fear of antagonising either the Imperials or the Solomani. Eventually the similarities between the early history of Gralyn and the events unfolding on Botany Bay were enough to convince the bureaucrats of Gralyn that supporting Botany Bay would save much misery. The eventual system agreed upon was that Botany Bay would become part of the Gralyn Assemblage, with seats on the Assemblage, but with its government effectively run by the Assemblage as a whole. With the assistance of Gralyn, the slide of Botany Bay into barbarism was halted. Upon the conclusion of the Solomani Rim War, attempts were made by both the Imperium and the Solomani Confederation to regain control of the mines on Botany Bay through legal means. However the fact that Botany Bay was outside both states and had rebelled of its own accord, meant that they had little legal recourse, coupled with the Peace of Fhatlr??, ruling out any sort of overt action, to make Botany Bay too much effort to worry about. Botany Bay prospered under the guidance of the Gralyn Assemblage and swelled from a population of several thousand at independence to around 200,000 just before the start of the Final War. Diameter: 9920 km Core: Molten Density: 0.98 Mass: 0.456 Gravity: 0.760 Orbital Period: 1500 days, 22 hours Rotation Period: 29 hours, 48 minutes, 45 seconds Axial Tilt: 25 Orbital Eccentricity: 0.005 Stress Factor: 5 Atm Composition: Standard oxygen-nitrogen mix with gas mix taint Pressure: 0.5 Base Temp: 3.5 C Native Life Hydro %: 30 Comp: Plates: 4 Major Oceans: 1 Minor Oceans: 8 Small Seas: 13 Scattered Lakes: 7 Cities: 1 Conservative/Indifferent Unaggressive/Neutral Harmonious/Friendly Government: Elite Council, all divisions Law: Undivided Legal Profile: 4-43461 Tech: 53-54445-5556-55-9 Resolution Belt 300m/10km, n-50 m-40 c-10, 0.01 AU ======================================================================== 122 Star: F3V Mass: 1.46 standard Luminosity: 5.34 standard 0= Y230000-0 1= YS00000-0 2= Y300000-0 3= empty 4.4= Daken (unusual orbit) 5= SGG (UWP size 43) 5= YS00000-0 7= Y200000-0 15= Y300000-0 20= YS00000-0 35= Y100000-0 6= LGG (size 150) 1= YR00000-0 3= YR00000-0 8= Y644000-0 9= Y100000-0 20= Y200000-0 40= Y400000-0 45= Y410000-0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- DAKEN WORLD DATA Diameter: 10,994 km (size "6.87") <--note: this is another artifact of how J.A.Keith figured things differently from Digest Group. molten core Density: 1.08 Mass: 0.684 standard (my recalculation. Keith has 0.456) Surface gravity: 0.93g (Keith value: 0.81) Orbital radius: 2.3 AU (orbit number 4.4) Orbital period: 2.89 years (standard) Rotation period: 21h 12m 19s (21.2 hours) Axial Tilt: 10.25 degrees orbital Eccentricity: 0.0 Seismic stress factor: 4 Surface atmospheric pressure: 0.33 standard Composition: Standard oxygen-nitrogen mix--breathable with respirator to compensate for low pressure. Mean surface temperature: 28 degrees C Albedo: 0.2 native life Hydrographic: 2% (10 hexes on map) Compsition: liquid water Tectonic plates: 2 (plus a few minor plates) Oceans: minor icecaps/seas near poles, some transient lakes/seas that evaporate in summer and condense again in winter Trade Classes: Ba De Lo Ni Po Resources: Natural: Agricultural (see write-up), Ores, Compounds Processed: none Manufacured: none Information: none Former population: 750 present population: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- HISTORY AND BACKGROUND Daken was a harsh little backwater world, extremely hot and with little free-standing water. The main reason for a human presence on the world was a desert lifeform known as "goldsand", similar in evolutionary status to Earth corals. Goldsand was highly prized as a spice, and also had certain pharmecutical uses, particularly in slow drugs. The world was the scene of minor intrigues between SuSAG, the Dakaar Corporation, and the locals who did most of the dangerous work of harvesting the goldsand. Assorted companies helped maintain a class C starport near Daken's south pole. The reduction in interstellar trade during the Hard Times hit Daken hard, since the local economy was largely driven by export of goldsand, a minor mining operation, and the servicing of ships at the starport. The corporations packed up and left, and a local strongman took over, controlling the stores of precious respirators. Most of the sophisticated equipement broke down for lack of parts. Finally, the Virus swept through the subector, and all trade stopped. Some people were able to keep their respirators working for years with scavenged tools and parts, but in the end, they all wore out. The last human died sixty years ago. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Notes: With "The Survivor", I took a different path from the original Robinson Crusoe idea, but if someone were to use that, Daken would be the place for it. Might also make an alternate location for "Ghost Town", with the TL-9 starport under Virus control. Not the best place for it, but an alternate. ======================================================================== 122 Originally: A789973-D M 000-M0 V Hard Times: X7C9784-B M Fl New Era: X7C9000-0 BaFlLoNi Primary: Arixon M0 V 0 = Lanixohn X7C9000-0 9.5 = Zarixohn Y200000-0 (Was 6200331-D Re) 10.9 = Yeenixar Y411000-0 (Unchanged) Lanixohn Data: Orbital Distance: 0.2 AU Orbital Period: .128 years == 46.8 Days (looks short!) Size: 7 -- 10,835 Km (randomly picket :) Density: 1.0 Earth Surface Gravity: .875 Axial Tilt: 30 Degrees Mean Temp: 168 C Winter: 108 C Summer: 288 C (Orig 36 C -24 C 156 C) Note: Originally Native life, currently none, due to biosphere collapse and runaway greenhouse effects. The planet of Lanixohn is pretty much the worst case scenario for a planet in the New Era. Originally a highly populated planet with a strong economy and advanced technological society, Lanixohn is now a dead wasteland. During the Imperial Era, Lanixohn enjoyed a certain amount of prosperity, although not as much as might have been expected. As a consequence of it's "tense political situation," brought on by the presence of no less than 17 political nations, the TAS had declared Lanixohn an Amber Zone, an event that impacted negatively on the local economy. This lagging of interstellar trade served to escalate national ambitions, with the nations of Parundia, the Maskopet People's Collective, and the Barshus Concordium maintaining an uneven balance of power, supporting brush wars and police actions in many of their satellite nations instead of conflicting directly. This balance was not to hold, however. In 1121, the Barshus Concordium seized access to the planet's orbital starport facilities, up until that time a target declared neutral by unanimous treaty. Ignoring a near planet-wide outcry, Barshus imposed limited starport access to the rest of Lanixohn's nations. As a consequence, scarcely three months later, the Maskopet People's Collective launched a massive orbital strike, detonating no less than three nuclear devices in near-Lanixohn orbit, wholly annihilating the starport. Stationfall marked the beginning of a new phase for politics on Lanixohn. Massive, unilateral warfare erupted. Many smaller nations found themselves wholly engulfed by their larger neighbors. Previously sacrosanct civilian enterprises found themselves military targets. Industry and technology rapidly suffered. Trade and commerce, lacking any rallying point after the nuclear destruction of the orbiting facility and airstrikes against the ground-side facilities, dropped to virtually nothing. By 1130, an experimental bio-weapon had been accidentally released into the environment and affected many of the native species' biochemistry. Rapid poisoning of both the seas and air resulted, as well as powerful greenhouse effects. Parundia found itself in sole control of the planet's 60 million inhabitants, all that remained of the previous 7 billion people. Environmental collapse and warfare had killed 6 billion individuals and virtually all the native lifeforms. The final deathblow fell in , when a Doom-trading merchant jumped in-system. The Virus found it's way into an atmospheric control computer system. Two weeks later, every sealed biosphere suddenly failed, exposing virtually the entire human population to the now-deadly atmosphere. Those few who survived the Virus attack by virtue of having been in vaccsuits or in places where the environmental control computers didn't have access too soon died from starvation, dehydration, or a general inability to maintain a safe environment. Lanixohn in the year 1200: Because Lanixohn was Balkanized for most of it's inhabited span, the planet's computer systems were much less interconnected than those of many other high tech worlds. In addition, although a lot of damage was inflicted by conventional fighting, the Virus did very little physical damage. It is possible that Lanixohn could serve as a convenient source of at least somewhat un-Virused spare parts, although care would have to be taken, both to avoid eggs and that the parts haven't been damaged from nearly 70 years worth of weathering. Given the high temperature and short year, Lanixohn probably has pretty nasty storms, in addition to the chemical insidiousness. The research station on Zarixohn was abandoned soon after Stationfall, and also may have useful equipment or information for the intrepid explorer. Finally, it may also serve as a useful rallying point for the Iltharan Vampires, who surely don't care about technology with Virus eggs in it :). ======================================================================== 122 Astrographic Survey File Entry TO93-SZ Subject: Banff System ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Primary: Akron. M5 V. Orbit Name UWP *0 Banff X516000-0 Ba Ic Lo Ni 1 Prior Large Gas Giant (150k) 1 Ring 6 Prior's Mote Y300000-0 8 Herzel Y100000-0 10 Batyam H431000-0 20 Aldous E Y100000-0 30 Jed-Gee Y300000-0 35 Mafee Y200000-0 40 Finch Y300000-0 60 Yossi Y300000-0 Banff World Survey Data: ------------------------ UWP size "4.65" Diameter: 7440km (4650 Miles) Core: Molten Core Density: 0.93 Mass: 0.18 Gravity: 0.54g Orbital Period: 292 Days and 2 Hours Orbital Distance: 29.9 million Kilometers Rotation Period: 22 Hours and 6 min. Axial Tilt: 56 Degrees Orbital Eccentricity: 0 Stress Factor: 4.6 World Horizon: 3.8km Atmosphere: Trace Atm Composition: Oxygen/Nitrogen mix ?? Pressure: 0.05atm. Base Temp: -86.97c Hydro Percent: 58% Government: No Government Structure Law: No Law/No Pop Technology Level: None Trade Classifications: Ba - Barren Ic - Ice-Capped Lo - Low Population Ni - Nonindustrial Hard Times: F - Failing World. * - Population Fleeing/leaving. Resources: Natural: {I Didn't decide yet.} Processed: {" " "" ""} Is anything missing that I didn't add? Please let me know. System Notes: ========================================================================= Banff's System Data (1115) UWP : - C516310-A Lo Ni Ic 601 Na, 6000 people, company-owned. Banff's System Data (HT) UWP: - D516331-2 Ic Lo Ni 501 Na Latest Changes: I've "killed" the people on Prior's Moon, Batyam, and I'm starting to plan the History Write up. Thanks to John, for supplying me with the pre-HT/Virus UWP and a bit of Information on the region, I can start writing up the history. - Banff was surveyed by the Imperial Scout Service in the Year [???]. While surveying the System, the Survey Team has located what was to be a sign of A rich, valuable source of [???] on Banff and on the Prior's Forth Moon, Batyam. These Foundings had led the Scouts to declare the Banff System as a red Travel Zone on the Interstellar Maps for later Mining operations. In the Year [???], The [Is there any Company working in the systems around Banff??? ] has begun constructing two Mining Colonies, one on Banff and the other on Batyam. The Banff Mining Colony had 5800 Miners Stationed, and 200 Company Officials. Not much more than a way station for the extensive mining operations, the Banff Mining Colony was occupied with an C-Class StarPort which was used to Shipout the Mined material off the System by Free Traders to be sold at the old Freeport at Drellesarr. The Batyam Mining Colony was occupied with an H-Class Spaceport to handle the Shipments of mined material from Batyam to Banff's StarPort. ======================================================================== 122 Information about worlds on the Gralyn Main held by Gralynites in 1200: Note: The number after the slash in the UPPs is the population multiplier. ---------- AIKHIY (RD 1634): Agricultural world run by the Aikhiy Development Trust, a company owned jointly by Gralynite and Venecian interests. The company's interests were highly diversified and it proved able to survive the worst of the depression. It was still functioning at the time of the Crash. 1130 UPP: C546616-6/9. BANFF (RD 1831): Small airless world that before the Rebellion was being exploited by a company based on Collin's World. The company went bankrupt in 1120 and left its employees on Banff stranded. They formed their own government and tried to carry on on their own, but in 1129 they gave up and contracted with a Rintarna-based freight firm to be evacuated. Before this plan could be carried out, however, a reaver attacked and stole the valuables they had collected to pay for the evacuation. At the time of the Crash a private charity on Rintarna was attempting to raise the required funds. 1130 UPP: D516331-2/5. BRANDON (RD 1632): Small mining community under the protection of Collin's World though ostensibly independent. But the whole economy depended on the Brandon System Company which leased the miners their equipment, sold them their food and air, and bought their ore. When the company went bankrupt in 1124 the entire population was evacuated. 1130 UPP: X337000-0/0. COLLIN'S WORLD (RD 1631): Small airless world that was originally a reaver stronghold. Later turned legitimate and became an Imperial client state in return for letting the Imperium maintain a base in the system. Protected by Imperial ships and given preferred trade status Collin's World prospered and increased in population to the point where the ressources of the system was strained to maintain it. When the Imperial Navy pulled their ships out in 1119 it precipitated an economic collapse. By 1130 many of the habitats had failed in part or in whole and nearly a hundred million people had died. 1130 UPP: C200996-6/5. DAKEN (RD 1830): Near-airless desert world whose 900 inhabitants used to make a fair living cultivating a lichen-like substance from which a popular gourmet spice could be extracted. When the trade failed the community experienced great trouble surviving. At the time of the Crash the inhabitants were desperately trying to arrange transport away from Daken. 1130 UPP: X6302B5-4/9. EKAFTOUH (RD 1434): Asteroid belt mined by a mix of aslans and humans under the auspices of the Ekaftouh Treaty Administration. Failing trade and pirate attacks had pushed the system to the brink of disaster by 1130; several habitats had suffered life support failure and others survived only by cannibalizing parts from failed or abandoned habitats. Most of the aslan clans had already pulled their people out. There remained some 300.000 humans with nowhere to go. 1130 UPP: E000697-4/3. HIHLAS (RD 1537): Independent world whose economy use to be based almost exclusively on the harvesting of the migratory fickleweed, a plant used for perfumes and in the distilling of aquapur, a local liqueur known and prized throughout the sector. 90% of the population lived in mobile grav homes imported from Soloman. When the recession struck and the trade with Soloman failed, the population was forced to settle down and convert to the cultivation of other crops. By 1130 the planet had apparently weathered the crisis and stabilized at a tech level of 4. 1130 UPP: D647520-4/7. KAMLOOPS (RD 1531): Independent world with considerable mineral wealth divided between a number of offworld mining companies, the largest of which was licensed from Collin's World. When the Imperial Navy pulled its last ships out and closed their base there in 1119, a rival company from Marlheim imported mercenaries and tried to take over the planet. The other companies responded in kind and the confrontations escalated into a full-scale war. In 1125 two thirds of the population had been killed or evacuated, almost all mines and factories destroyed, and the world was incapable of supporting the survivours. By 1130 the population had been cut almost in half again by fighting over the scraps. 1130 UPP: E242451-1/2. KHTEARLE (RD 1733): Agricultural world split into a number of nations including a Gralynite coony and several Aslan clan holdings. Suffered a slight decline due to the recession, but seemed to be coping. 1130 UPP: E595774-4/6. KREMMLING (RD 1636): A company world still being assessed when the recession forced the company to abandon the project. 1130 UPP: X796000-0/0. MARION (RD 1832): World with a corrosive atmosphere that was the source of a number of valuable organic compounds. M was originally organized as a feudal technocracy. The recession threathened to make it impossible to maintain the technology needed to survive on the planet, but in 1126 a company that employed everybody on the planet was formed with Rintarnan backing. The trade with Rintarna enabled the inhabitants to buy the equipment they needed. 1130 UPP: D7B4310-5/7. OBA (RD 1635): A world frequently ravaged by tides, earthquake, and volcanic eruptions. Before 1115 a few hundred gem hunters made a living there, but the loss of reliable off-world trade forced them to leave. 1130 UPP: X646000-0/0. PAGOSA (RD 1433): A near-worthless planet inhabited by members of a cult of technological renunciates. Most of the community, including their few tech 3 industries, was burned down and over a hundred renunciates killed by reavers in 1129. 1130 UPP: E749220-0/6. RINTARNA (RD 1933): Independent high-population planet with sizable system defenses but no offensive fleet to speak of due to an extreme scarity of lanthanum in the system. In the early twenties Rintarna managed, by a combination of luck and good judgement, to acquire the services of several reputable starmerc bands and a number of repairable warship hulls. With this new navy they managed to protect their trade with their closest neighbours. In 1130 the Rintarna Trade Sphere comprised Rintarna itself, Marion, Skeena, Lanixhon, Drinsaar, and Esokhi. The last three were technically still members of the Carrillian Assembly, but the Assembly was having trouble elsewhere and was happy to leave the task of protecting them to Rintarna forces. Their trade empire allowed Rintarna to weather the recession better than most, and at the time of the Crash there were even signs of a recovering economy. 1130 UPP: B887A99-B/3. SOLOMAN (RD 1538): Imperial client state. When the Imperium pulled out their ships in 1119 Soloman took over the base facilities and were allowed to keep a few small warships. They immidiately started on an ambitious ship-building program in an attempt to avert the recession. In 1123 they got into a short war with the Carter Technocracy over trade concessions with Himalaya and were subject to a nuclear bombardment that destroyed the starport and killed almost 400,000,000 in the bombardment and almost as many in the aftermath. At the time of the Crash they were still trying to rebuild. 1130 UPP: C897A98-8/2. VENICE (RD 1534): A high-population waterworld with most of its population living in undersea domes. The planet was experiencing serious problems with keeping its domes functioning, but had managed up to the Crash. 1130 UPP: C35A998-6/7. Referee information: COLLIN'S WORLD: The world appears dead. It is possible that some scattered pockets of humanity survives in some of the domes, but it's not very likely. UPP: X200000-0/0. EKAFTOUH: The system appears dead. As with Collin's World it is possible that some pockets of humanity survives in some of the larger habitats, but it's not very likely. UPP: X000000-0/0. HIHLAS: The population has thrived and even grown a little. Fickleweed is harvested in small amounts by helicopter, but only for home consumption. A valuable luxury trade might be developed in time. UPP: X674520-5/8. KAMLOOPS: The planet supports a small number of savages who have lost all knowledge of their origin. UPP: X242370-1/8. PAGOSA: The renunciates have survived and even managed to regain their former prosperity. They are not, however, very likely to have much worth trading for. UPP: E749320-3/1. RINTARNA: Their very success in keeping the Hard Times at bay worked against Rintarna when the Virus struck. Billions of people died and the survivours are still struggling to climb back. UPP: X887875-3/9. SOLOMAN: The Virus destroyed most of the industry Soloman had left after the Himalaya War and ruined all the relief efforts. Large surface areas were never decontaminated and is still radioactive. The planet was split into many small city-states fighting over the remains. UPP: X897877-3/8. ======================================================================== 122 Library Entry RD-POL-0034 "Lanyard Colonies" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Lanyard Colonies [Astrographic Reference "Ly"] are a tight cluster of systems settled around 995 by Solomani citizens. The Colonies have enjoyed Solomani support due to it's good agriculturual and aquacultural exports. The worlds of the polity are so named by the first four governors of each main world. The worlds of the polity were first explored in 982 by Capt. Jacobb Lanyard while he was a member of the Scout service. Upon his retirement in 992, Lanyrad contacted Kyle Morgan, a wealthy noble and businessman. Together they began to organize the "Diamond" project (Lanyard handling the logistics, Morgan working with the Solomani government for the proper permits and charters, as well as the primary backer). In 984 they were joined by Dr. Marie Ceytle and Professor Solomon Horste, both of the University of New Havaland [Astrographic Coordinate "Magyar/0902"] who coordinated and provided biomedical and technical support. Upon reaching the cluster of systems, Lanyard and 3,000 colonists chose a major equatorial island chain on RD1938-II-0 as their colony. Ceytle and Horste landed with 10,000 colonists each on the systems farthest from the Solomani Confederation, while Morgan landed his group of 5,000 on the fractured landmass of the final garden world. The worlds were named in honor of the first governors, the leaders of the operation. The Solomani left the worlds pretty much to themselves until 1008, where they started to take more interest in the cluster as a forward point in the deep. This heavy interest peaked at 1056 and dropped gradually since then to the the current date where the Confederation has only a token presense in the Cluster. In 1119 the Solomani presence in the cluster was removed as needed forces were drained off for use in other areas. =============================================================================== Astrographic Entry RD1938-00 "Lanyard System" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Primary M5 V "Ember" 0 "Mallen" Small Gas Giant (78k) 3 Ring n-10 m-20 c-70 6 "Mallen a" Y300000-0 20 "Mallen b" Y200000-0 40 "Mallen c" YS00000-0 1 "Ash-Wescott" Small Gas Giant (50k) 2 Ring n-50 m-40 c-10 3 Ring n-10 m-20 c-70 7 "Fandi" Y100000-0 9 "Whispe" Y310000-0 2 "Lord Ornado" Large Gas Giant (148k) 1 Ring n- 0 m-10 c-90 5 "Naride" Y100000-0 6 "Shevia" Y200000-0 7 "Sinthia" Y610000-0 8 "Samantha" Y400000-0 9 "Yolanda" Y300000-0 40 "Alim" Y400000-0 45 "Olam" Y380000-0 50 "Gerrard" Y441000-0 60 "Prentice" Y310000-0 Companion M0 V "Jashala" in orbit 13 *0 "Lanyard" B89A530-A Ni Wa 1 "Willi's Belt" Asteroids 25m n-10 m-20 c-70 0.10 AU 2 "Smidgen" F100463-9 Ni Va System Notes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The primary system has to this date been ignored, although about 46 prospectors and support people were once involved in operations in Ash-Wescott's metallic inner ring. These operations ceased around 1123 as Solomani support was drained away from the cluster, leaving the inner system empty. Olam's and Gerrard's atmospheres are composed of methane and ammonia and are not breathable. Willi's Belt has a population of about 2,000 prospectors, space jocks and support personnel trying to scratch out a living in the metal-poor belt. World Data "Lanyard": ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grav:0.95175 Temp: 5~ Life Year: Day:9 Tilt:22~ Eccn:0.005 Molten core Diam: 12960km Dens:0.94 Lanyard's land surface is limited to 7 major island chains, of which the largest is the "Lion's Den" chain situated close to the equator. Of the 371,000 inhabitants, 90,000 make their home in the major port city of Lionmouth, also the location of the primary starport. Situated in the northern temperate zone is the "Shaft", a long string of islands separated by shallow reefs. 80,000 people inhabit this chain, with most of them in the city of "Warren". Another 40,000 inhabit the far southern "Allen" chain. The remainder of the population is scattered over the remaining island chains. Because of (cynical citizens of other polity worlds tend to say "in spite of") Capt. Lanyard's scout connections, Lanyard received a good degree of support from the Solomani Confederation and thus enjoyed more technical benefits then other worlds of the Polity. With this support came more fingers into Lanyard's operations, so while there was quite a bit of "Colonial Spirit", there was also a great deal of Solomani loyalty as well. In the years leading to the 1119 pull-out of the remaining Solomani forces, the Lanyard governors had slowly altered the colonial contract in regards to the filling of important positions, which had not disturbed the Solomani due to the general appointment of Solomani to those positions. In 1120, the Central Council enacted emergency clauses in the contract and appointed important Lanyard citizens to fill the now-empty spots. As of 1125, the Central Council is still the primary governing body. The loss of Solomani support in 1119 sent shockwaves through the society, but due to careful planning by the Central Council there was very little effect, other then the loss of imported technology. In the Past two decades Lanyard has strived to bring itself to the level of Solomani imports, and as a result faired pretty well with the loss of external trade. The Lanyard Defense Organization made a halfhearted attempt to bring the other worlds of the cluster "officially" under it's banner, but after a particularly bad series of incidents at Morgan, and due to other troubles at home, has largely limited itself to Lanyard. The Central Council has also deemed that the LDO continue readiness training in any event. Lanyard has a breathable atmosphere with an obviously high average humidity. Plant life in the seas produce semi-toxic compounds as a bi-product, most of which is absorbed into the seas. During storms, however, the churning waves increase the concentration of these compounds in the air to dangereous levels. During storm periods the inhabitants must wear special filter masks or remain indoors in pressurized buildings. This condition was not originally know on landing, the scout expedition headed by Lanyard having arrived during an unusually calm season. Lanyards (the polity term for the inhabitants) originally were unhappy with their choice, but given the otherwise rich hydrosphere have stuck it out. Lanyard citizens have hence gained a polity-wide reputation for sheer bullheadedness in sticking with unpleasant situations. Progressiveness: Conservative Indifferent Aggressiveness: Unaggressive Peaceable Extensiveness: Discordant Aloof Legal: 0-01102 Tech: AA-AAAAA-AAA9-AA-A World Data "Smidgen": ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grav:0.039375 Temp:-261.2 Year:17983 Day:29 Tilt:36~ Icy body Diam: 1440km Dens:0.35 Smidgen was once a major Solomani military installation, during the time the Solomani were heavily involved in the colonies, but has since been stripped down of all military equipment and made into a penal colony in 1090. It was an effective dumping ground for dissidents in the Lanyard system. Since land is so scarce on the main world, severe troublemakers (in Solomani eyes) were sent here so as to not disturb the rest of the society. Not a particularly pleasant place, space access to and from the world is monitored by a small armed station situated in a stationary orbit above the single domed city. With the Solomani pullout the local restictions have eased, and Smidgen is now considered a protected colony of Lanyard, with some migration being allowed. Progressiveness: Conservative Indifferent Aggressiveness: Unaggressive Peaceable Extensiveness: Discordant Aloof Legal: 3-74704 Tech: 98-99999-9877-66-7 =============================================================================== Astrographic Entry RD2037-00 "Ceytle System" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Primary K0 V "Lesgale" 0 "Woe" YS00000-0 1 "Anthem" Small Gas Giant (87k) 5 "Mock" YS00000-0 6 "Enya" Y620000-0 40 "Frag" YS00000-0 50 "Lahawn" Y300000-0 *2 "Ceytle" B446570-6 Ag Ni 3 "Grire" Y758000-0 7 "Shiresound" HS00000-0 35 "Laun" YS00000-0 4 "Much-Ado" Small Gas Giant (70k) 1 Ring n-10 m-30 c-60 2 Ring n-10 m-80 c-10 3 Ring n-10 m-20 c-70 7 "Edicott" Y300000-0 9 "Lanier" YS00000-0 15 "Gerard" Y530000-0 45 "Beiton" Y100000-0 5 "Scarp" H727000-0 6 "Thean" Large Gas Giant (140k) 7 "Sixly" H750000-0 9 "Brersiter" Y300000-0 11 "Puce" HS00000-0 12 "Ecar" Y744000-0 30 "Brass Monkey" Y757000-0 40 "Luccius" Y410000-0 60 "Ackit" H100000-0 7 "Crix" Y749000-0 8 "Etching" Y300000-0 1 Ring n- 0 m-10 c-90 30 "Monalis" Y200000-0 System Notes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scarp, Ecar, Brass Monkey and Crix are all large worlds with methane/ammonia atmopheres and methane slush or ice cover. Scarp was investigated as a potential source of exotic compounds, and a small station was set up for research, but the idea was abandoned as too costly to extract the compounds from the ocean in reasonable amounts. Ackit has the remains of a very old outpost of non-human manufacture. The outpost itself is in horrible condition. Puce is so named because of its color, the result of outgassing from the world combined with gas debris from Thean. Etching is an oddly marked world, so named for the fracture lines all over the surface that give it a "lithographed" look. World Data "Ceytle": ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grav:0.30225 Temp:8.4 Life Year:235 Day:10 Tilt:35~ Stress:4 3 Major continents 6 Minor continents 7 islands 4 arch Rocky body Diam: 6240km Dens:0.62 Ceytle is another agricultural bread basket world that exports grains adapted to the dry, thin atmosphere. The air has a high average pollen count that can cause alergic reactions in offworlders but these reactions can be controlled with weekly injections. Most locals have since adapted and developed an immunity to this problem. Ceytle's major exports are grains and grain-related goods to Lanyard. It's market for local aquaculture has dwindled with reduced contact to worlds outside the polity. Ceytle has no major cities, with most of the population scattered into townships on the various land masses. The spaceport is situated on the largest continent, "First-Down" and is ringed by about 20 communities (known locally as the "Merchant Ring" with a total population of 56,450). Each major and minor continent has it's own sub-governor who operates out of the largest township cluster in that area. This situation has tended to enhance local pride and a "city-state mentality" at the expense of world solidarity. (In fact, the original decision to settle in scattered townships rather then in single large cities was the decision of the first governor, Dr. Ceytle. It was her desire to spread the population thin rather then concentrate it and all the problems in a single area like on her homeworld.) Ceytle's "obediance" to Solomani decrees waned greatly in the past decade, and many land areas pretty much operated on their own while paying lip service to the Solomani forces on First-Down's military station. With the Solomani breakup, a brief period of anarchy ensued as the various island states bickered over the distribution of what the Solomani left behind. This, combined with the trend of the past few years has shattered what little was left of Ceytle's government into 20 separate states. These states formed along regional cultural lines, making actual laws and customs fairly diverse in 1125. The period of chaos had its greatest effect on the Merchant cities, forcing them to rely more on local technology then on imported solutions. Total Pop:854000 ML:111 MS:328 SM:1755 VS:6142 Progressiveness: Conservative Indifferent Aggressiveness: Unaggressive Peaceable Extensiveness: Discordant Aloof Legal: 0-01140 Tech: 66-55555-5552-55-6 World Data "Grire": ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grav:0.5865 Temp:-65.0 Year:402 Day:25 Tilt:32~ Stress:4 Rocky body Diam: 11040km Dens:0.68 Grire was a small, icy outpost maintained by the O'Grire Company. The O'Grire family was the major stockholder and the company is still a major influence on the second largest continent on Ceytle, "Southern". The company deals with a variety of interests on Ceytle, mostly involved in the transportation service. Durring the chaos years of 1119-1121 the company was faced with a lack of parts for their space and interface vehicles and mothballed the outpost, returning to Ceytle. The underground complex, with a capacity for 100 people, was set up to exploit a significant deposit of rare earths discovered in 1107. At that time the O'grire company bought the title rights for preliminary mining operations. Since they were the only company with significant ability to reach the world, it was granted and operations started in 1109. The O'Grire family currently maintains one interface ship in ready condition at the family complex. No interface flights are performed, however. =============================================================================== Astrographic Entry RD2038-00 "Morgan System": ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Primary M0 V "Ibenjadt" (Companion DK "Dobijadt" in close orbit) *0 "Lunden Trail" Asteroids 300m/1km n-30 m-60 c-10 0.01 AU 1 "Mosill" Large Gas Giant (125k) 3 "Cleon" Y300000-0 5 "Al'Boci" Y100000-0 8 "Frostbite" H777000-0 9 "Solice" G400000-0 2 "Hata" Y200000-0 Companion G5 VI in orbit 6 0 "Gribble" Y100000-0 *1 "Morgan" D659677-5 Ni x2 2 "Mite" Small Gas Giant (33k) 9 "Vendie" YS00000-0 3 "Bibi" Y401000-0 System Notes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Lunden trail is a narrow belt close to the primary and dwarf companion. It is believed to have been a moderate-sized world that was shattered by a close passage of Dobijadt, which is in an orbit with 0.05 eccentricity. About 23,000 people used to live and work in the belt, which is high in metals and was one of the major exports to Lanyard from this system. With The Solomani pullout eliminated the major source of supplies needed to survive in the belt, and it is currently uninhabited. Frostbite, in the primary system, is an icy world with only a small partial pressure of oxygen (effectivly rated at "trace" for breathing purposes), the remainder being nitrogen and other neutral gasses. Most of the land surface is locked in ice, and this world could be quite habitable if terraformed. The remains of a small expedition base, left over from the days of colonization are here but not in the greatest of shape. World Data "Morgan": ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grav:0.775 Temp:-7.1 Life Year:127 Day:34 Tilt:16~ Eccn:0.01 Molten core Diam: 9920km Dens:1 Morgan has the greatest population of any of the four colonies, a result of a high birthrate and nearly constant immigration which had been pushed for by over five generations of the Morgan family. Most of the usable landmass is fortunately in the equatorial region, broken into four land masses of roughly equal size stretching about halfway around the world. The major population center, Morganport (situated on the east-center landmass, on the west coast), includes the spaceport and is the center of government and trade with a population of 1,345,000 in the city proper and another 1,450,000 in surrounding suburban areas. The cultural center of the world is Westpoint, a port city on the westernmost subcontinent, on the west coast, with a city population of 300,000 and a surrounding population of 150,560. The remaining population is scattered more or less evenly on the landmasses. In the past few decades before the Solomani pullout, Morgan's government had bloated, becoming distant from both the people and Solomani influence. The Solomani pullout caused great hardship as Morgan was a major importer of technology. In 1122 Lanyard tried to enforce an official joining with itself, in effect trying to take the place of the Solomani, but due to cultural differences and several social blunders on the part of the LDO commanders, the local population and government resisted. The Lanyard forces made a half-hearted attempt to use force, damaging Morgan's limited industrial centers, but it was decided by the Lanyard Central Council that there was no gain in the proposition and Morgan was left to itself. The general population has taken on a slightly xenophobic bent as a result of this fiasco, to the point of breaking up into scattered areas under individual rule where even strangers from other areas are viewed with suspicion. This was due largely to to the small scattering of supporters of Lanyard's attempt. Even to this day small cores of support exist, but given current attitudes they are very hard to find. Total Pop:8.2e+06 ML:90 MS:444 SM:1923 VS:6221 Progressiveness: Progressive Advancing Aggressiveness: Competitive Neutral Extensiveness: Harmonious Friendly Legal: 7-75974 Tech: 55-55555-5555-55-5 =============================================================================== Venice circa 1115: D-35A984-8 Water World, thin atmosphere, population 7 billion (3.25 billion human & 3.75 billion Phin), TL 8, Civil service beauracy gov. Law level permits long arms. The seven largest landmasses are no larger than the island of Hawaii on Terra. The Class D starport is on the island of Rome. The islands of Urbino and Naples are government-run resorts, where vacations are expensive or available as top prizes in the government run raffles. The other large islands, Bern, Bonn, Liverpool and Dresden, are heavy industrial sites. Workers are housed offshore in floating buildings or buildings anchored on the shallow sea bottom surrounding the islands. Most of the planet's population lives in floating cities, built out of locally manufactured light plastics (a kelp derivative). Solar and wind power is used to crack water into hydrogen, which fuels MHD turbines for steady power. The cities serve as bases for various sea-product industries, including fish and kelp farms, fishing fleets, sea-based dredge mining, and light manufacturing industries. These cities are built of linked buildings designed wide and deep for stablity. The cities float free with stablizing engines built in buildings to keep a city from drifting too far from their area of ocean - though buildings, neighborhoods, and whole cities occaisionally move. The cities also provide 'shore leave' and other support to smaller vessels. There are also cities built on the summit of submerged mountain or plateau tops. The `ground floors' of these cities are from 50 to 150 meters below the surface. Most buildings rise above the water level. Power comes from a combination of solar, wind, petrochem, MHD turbines and nuclear fission. Neo-Amsterdam, the largest of these cities, is built on a string peaks along an undersea mountain chain, with `floating-city' structures providing connections. Neo-Amsterdam is one of the primary sources for TL 8 electronics on the planet. Neo-Amsterdam has a population of 63 Million Solmani decended humans and Phins. The mountain top hubs that make up the Neo-Amsterdam chain are called, Manhatten, Bronks, Brooklyne, Konigin, Staten, Scarsdale, Pokipsea, Neo Paltz, Bison and Albany. Smaller than the floating cities are city-ships, large (50-100Kton) vessels carrying an industry and its thousands of workers. The industry moves to its resources. For instance, the _Dutchess County_ filter-mines metals from the sea water (preferably near active under-sea volcanoes). It's crew filters several metals from the sea water, refines the metal, and rolls the ingots, selling several types of finished metal product - then delivers the metal as needed. Other industries include large scale fishing, seaweed farming, submerged mining operations, and petrochem extraction. City ships are powered by imported fusion or locally built fission reactors, petrochem-powered (if the city-ship has access to a pumping station), or by IC engines fueled by a high-energy alcohol analog brewed from kelp. This fuel, Kelphol, is also a popular export item. A cut down version is flavored with local additives and sold under the brand name `Venician Flame Water'. VFW is a popular drink in parts of Reavers Deep. Notice that more than half of the population is (dol)Phins. Some of these work in close cooperation with the humans - some as `fishboys' at the fish farms, spotting and repairing holes in the nets, driving schools of fish toward collection pens. Others scout for fishing ships, safety swim buddies for human divers, and undersea construction workers. Many also live 'free' in mid-ocean. Venice does a lot of trade with the Ekaftouth system. Ekaftouth is an asteroid belt system with no human/aslan friendly planets. High tech items and rare metals flows from Ekaftouth. Venice exports fresh foodstuffs and provides a vacation spot with gravity, sky and beaches. Venice 1125: Hard Times Venice 1534 D35A7FD-6 Wa Td i1 114 Na M5 III DM F During the HT era, interstellar trade fell off, limiting the ability to gain and maintain the technology level, but things hung together well. The imported weather and communication satellites continued to operate. Existing structures can be repaired, though no new cities are being built. New ships can be built (though construction of new city-ships slowed greatly and very few new fusion plants are imported). Ship-building output slowly decreases in size as metal becomes rare, shrinking the size of ships that can be built. Petrochem sites can still be found and tapped. Fish and kelp can be farmed. In fact, NeoAmsterdam's TL8 electronics industry's was exporting more than before as other words sink to that level. This growth was short lived however. Key manufacturing tools came from off planet and couldn't be replaced when they failed. Production was in a downswing even before the virus hit. Venice: 1135-1200 - Virus Infestation Venice 1534 X35A674-4 Wa 914 Na M5 III DM Venice was first infected by a `Destroyer' strain of the Virus. Infection was through a 200 ton trader. It infected the Class D starport computers on the island of Rome, before crashing into the starport's fuel refinery. A 400 ton trader docked at the port was infected also. It rose just high enough to smash into a powered down SDB. The starport was reduced to a Class X starport in about 90 seconds. There are a few patches of concrete large enough to land a 200 ton trader, but's that's about all you will get in the way of services. There might be some equipment stored underground still. Natives won't go to Rome anymore. The Rad count is still a bit high. There are also still tales foating about from those who escaped the island. A lot of lives were lost very quickly. Submersible vessels took their occupents with them when infected. Computer assisted deep diving suits became computer assisted coffins. Fly by wire aircraft adopted the glide ratio of one winged pelicans. The lower levels in Seamount top and floating cities flooded, trapping and killing hundreds of millions within 24 hours in the initial infection. Several floating cities and City-Ships sank out right. Population continued a downward spiral over the next 30 years. Loss of weather satellites resulted in lower kelp crop results. Lack of high tech equipment to harvest it with made the problem even worse. Lack of aircraft to spot fish schools and the equipment to do fish harvesting in massive quantities resulted in dramatic reductions in the fish harvests. Many people starved during this time. By 1175, Venice was again producing more than enough food for it's population. Venice has some 900,000,000 humans. Figure at least that many Phin. Many Clans are living `free' in the oceans and don't like to be counted. About half of the Phin harnesss were equiped with radios and locator beacons. These where used when they surfaced. This allowed closer communication with shipboard humans in fish herding and mining operations. Many infected harnesses used their waldo's to destroy themselves. Unfortunally the Virus really couldn't tell the difference between the harness and the Phin wearing at the time. A lot of Phin's died that first day. The harnesses without the radio equipment survived fairly well. There was a lot of mistrust of harnesses after that, by both Phins and humans. Distrust between some Phin clans and humans broke out years later when several Phins known to own functional harnesses where found dead and their harnesses missing. Shortly after that incident, the City-Ship _Ulster County_ brought it's main computer back online. Seems they had some how found some uninfected CPU's to repair it with. The _Ulster County_ sank four years later. A re-infection had caused considerable internal damage. A combination of high pressure steam leaks and Kelphol storage tanks exploding. Survivors also claim explosions from below the waterline hastened the vessel's sinking. The Phin clan MacKensy still is a major owner in the City-Ship _Columbia_. A Kelphol powered vessel that contains the only major Phin hospital left operating on planet. The MacKensy and Mcleod Phin clans are intergal parts of two of the largest organized salvage operations on Venice. Other Virus side effects. All the communications and weather satellites were either destroyed rendered inoperable when the Virus first hit. Any satellites still in orbit can be considered targets or plunder waiting to be taken. [ --I have two views on this. 1) Such space junk is seen as a source of possible Virus infection and should be destroyed. Good target practice for your laser gunners. A typical low tech `scavenger' approach. 2) Such space junk is a wealth of spare parts. This is coming from those with the needed tech to protect themselves from reinfestation and the ability to make us of the electronics it can salvage-- ] Venicians were never much of space going culture and remain planet bound in the New Era. Traders and explorers coming there can find a wealth of material though. At the low end is lot's of fresh food. Both meat (fish mostly) and veggies (mostly a wide varity of kelps, both raw and processed). The Venician processed kelps are a good shipboard foodstuff. It's concentrated; high in calories and protein; stores well and comes in a wide varity of flavors. The floating cities support a fraction of their former populations. They are a goldmine in old tech salvage. It's a time consuming process though. Many rooms in the still floating building were flooded or exposed to the salt water oceans and/or spray for the last 70 years. Rooms still sealed though hold TL 6-8 household and light consumer goods that will bring a good profit on many other planets in Reavers Deep. Venice's oceans made a good hiding spot for many pirates during the Hard Times. There are many rumors and tales of treasure cashes hidden beneath the waves. Every dozen or so years, one is found. This keeps the stories alive and fresh. Some tails tell of entire starships, stored underwater, powered down and Virus free... The human & Phin natives of Venice are of Solmani decent. Some clans still take pride in their heritage. You can even find `offical' Solmani Party members in Neo Amsterdam and the City Ship _Middlesex_. They are `pure' humans and damn proud of it. They dislike geengineered humans, particularly their Wuan `neighbors'. A Venician will however, take the side of a Wuan before that of an obvious alien. Wuans may be designed, but at least they don't have the fur pelts of the Aslan. This view doesn't not extend to their Solmani decended Phins though. Most Venician humans view the Phins as `brother Venicians'. The majority view the _Ulster County_ affair as a dirty bit of history. There are extremist groups on either side though. Random acts of violence still happen (mostly when there are no witnesses to the acts). The basic TL is 4. You can find pockets of 5 and 6 scattered about. When I say the TL is 4, I mean that is what the local population can produce. There are still pre-Virus items floating about. Some actually do float. Last count put a half dozen Contra-Grav vehicles on the planet. This includes one grav belt. The current government structure of Venice is Balkinized/Feudal Technocracy. Kinda depends on where you land and who you talk to. The folks who produce TL 6 electronics at Neo Paltz will tell you that they are in charge. The folks producing steel on the _Dutchess County_ will tell you that they are in charge. The O'Conner Phin clan living free in the southeastern hemisphere will tell you that they are the ones really in charge. Take your pick.