Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 12:34:16 +0200 (EET) From: Lahtinen Antti Jussi Subject: Robotic Arms Robotic arms I was not satisfied with the rules for robotic arms that were presented in Vampire Fleets. The main reason for this is that according to these rules the robotic arms do not improve with higher TL, while vehicle suspension and transmission values improve. Even though robotic arm is more complex device than walker legs, they should have many similar problems and solutions. One additional requirement for robotic arms is the Cybernetics rules in FFS. According to the Peripheral Options table (FFS page 86) prosthetic replacement limbs "Utility Arm" appears at TL-10, and pseudobiologic "slick" versions appear at TL-12. I think that it should be possible to build these prosthetic limbs with normal robotic rules. According to human taxometry, the average displacement of man's arm is approximately 7 liters. This means that TL-12 prosthetic arm for the average man should displece 7 litres, and should have at least AGL-6 and STR-6. Quick-and-dirty design fix: TL AGL STR Price 8 10% 1 100 10 9% 1.5 150 12 8% 2 200 14 7% 2.5 250 16 6% 3 300 AGL: The percentage of total volume used per point of AGL. STR: The amount of STR gained per liter devoted to strength. Price: The price of one liter of robotic arm. Pseudobiological versions will have the price multiplied by 8. Prostethic replacements will also have extra price for surgery, calibration and rehabilation. Mass: The mass of an arm in kilograms is its volume in liters multiplied by 2 (as stated in VF, page 74). Power: The power requirement for robotic arms is its volume in liters multiplied by 0.4 kW. According to this table, TL-10 AGL-6, STR-6 robotic arm would displace 8.7 liters, and similar TL-12 arm would displace 5.8 liters. Powering Robots Thought VF has ignored the power usage of robotic arm, the arm must be somehow powered (this is major problem in modren prosthetic technology, and different power sources and transmissions are beign developed). However the required input power shown above is only the peak power usage, required only when the arm is used to move its maximum load at full speed. Full input power could be required for cargo loading arms, but it is highly unlikely that other machines would need this much power. In my designs I usually build robots with PNF power plant, and allocate the robotic arms only 20-50% of the their maximum input power. Additionally I install an suitable battery that can power the arms for a short time at full power. This means that the robot will use its arms with full power only when needed, and in other times the surplus power is loaded into the battery. I have noticed that battery-powered robots can be quite tricky to use. A re-designed TL-14 Zhodani WarBot will exhaust its batteries in few days if it is fully powering all its components at the same time, but the same WarBot can be in sentry mode for a few months (that is, powering only its brain and passive sensors). -- Antti Lahtinen : Justice is Only a Wish of a Weak :