Date: Mon, 15 Aug 94 19:32:04 EDT From: Allen Shock <34ZBTXQ@CMUVM.CSV.CMICH.EDU> Subject: BATTLE RIDER stats for Azhanti High Lightning These stats are based on the FF&S version of AHL designed by Matt Goodman and posted to the old TML awhile back. I have also included stats for the Rampart fighter which, at least in CT, the AHL carries. CF Azhanti High Lightning M 10:10-9-6-3 -3 P(x8 ___)3:2-1-0-0 TL: 14/15 _ FC:-5 L(x33)10:2-2-1-0 M:40 (500) A:12 P:7 J:12 Msk (SP) J5, G2* AV:12 AuxB - MS:11 SC:33 D:8 112 Rampart Fighter - +1 _ TL:15 _ _ L 10:1-1-0-0 M0 (4)** A:10 P:2 Msk G6 AV:2 _ - 1 ** The fighter has no MFD's, but can carry four missles in grapples. These are presumably controlled by MFD's on the mother ship. The AHL carries no Battle riders, but it does carry 66 ramparts, as well as a number of fuel shuttles, etc. BR doesn't seem to have rules for fighter squadrons (perhaps they could be based on the rules for missle groups, rather than dealt with individually). We took 7 Aurora class clippers up against the AHL, without using fighters. The AHL was defeated, but there were only two Auroras left at the end, and the HL's final death was due to a "Ship Explodes" result.s Enjoy!