Tsuga Heavy Lifter TL-9 Rate:600 Size: 25 meters (dia) Sphere Hull (SL) Manuever: 0.67G Hull: Composite Laminate, 7cm 14,000 sq meters surface area Armor Rating: 42 Internal Structure Rating: 1G Life Support: Extended Air Locks: 6 Jump Drive: N/A Jump Fuel: N/A Power Plant: 200MW Fusion Reactor Reactor Fuel: 30kl (hydrogen) 2250Tons Thrust: AZHRAE Rocket 1125kl/hour HRF TL-9 ContraGrav Lifters Engineering Workstations: 3 G-turns: 1 4320kl Cargo hold 13 Large cargo hatches 8 Small Staterooms (crew) TL9 Computer Linked Controls 3 x TL9 STD computers 3 x 30,000km Radio 1 x 30,000km Maser Comm. 30,000km Radar 60,000km HRT (fixed array) Flight Workstations: 4 3 Engineering Crew 2 Electronics Crew 1 Drive Crew 1 Maintanence Crew 1 Command Crew Mass Loaded: 3346.6 Tonnes Acceleration G's: 0.672 Mass Unloaded: 3038 Tonnes G-Turns: 1 Price: 171.984 MCr Maintenance Points: 35 Reaction Fuel: HFR - 843.75 tonnes Fuel Price: (HRF) 2.813 MCr Cargo: 308 Tons Area: SURFACE HITS INTERNAL EXPLOSION 1 Hold 2-3 1: Air Lock Hold 4-5 1-2: Cargo Hatch Hold 6-7 1-5: Quarters 8-9 Hold 10 1-2: ANT 1-12: Engineering 13-18: Electronics 19-20: Hold 11 1: Cargo Hatch Engineering 12-15 Hold 16-19 1: Air Lock Hold 20 Engineering Damage Tables: Sensor (HRT) 1h Sensor Ant (HRT) 1H Sensor (Radar) 4h Sensor Ant (Radar) 1H Commo (Maser) 1h Commo Ant (Radio) 1h Commo (Radio) 1h Commo Ant (Maser) 1h Comp (STD) 3 x (1h) SSR 6 x (2h) LSR 1H Life Support 8H Ext Life Support 4H Power Plant 4H ContraGrav Lifters 3H AZHRAE Rocket 3H Notes: This ship was designed to make maximum use of the new technologies available at TL9 - Fusion Power plants and contra-grav lifters. The maximum amount of CG Lifters available to a 200MW Power Plant was a 600Ton hull. All crewmembers have cabins on board the ship, although the lifter isn't mean for interplanetary transits. It's total fuel allows for 1 G-Turn of accelleration - enough to get it into orbit and back again (slowly - multiply times for 1G acceleration by 2). The quarters are placed along the hemisphere and the ship is spun in flight to produce gravity as needed. Given the price of HRF, each ton costs approximately 10,000Cr to lift into orbit. (2.813MCr/308 Tons = 9114 Cr/Ton) joe ccjoe@showme.missouri.edu