Date: Sun, 10 Sep 95 22:43:17 EDT From: "David A. Nelson" <34TYHPE@CMUVM.CSV.CMICH.EDU> Subject: blockade runner Hi, this is a little ship I designed for going where you are not supposted to go and Doing what your're not supposted to do.... BLOCKAD RUNNER DISPLACEMENT:200 TONS HULL ARMOR: 84 LENGTH: 43M VOLUME: 2800M PRICE: 132.88mcr target size: S CONFIGURATION: WEDGE SL TECH LEVEL: 15 MASS (LOADED/UNLOADED): 2350.394/ 1775.561 ENGINEERING DATA POWERPLANT: 866.4MW FUSION POWER PLANT (288.8mw/hit), one year duration JUMP PERFORMACE: 3 (560m of fuel) G-rating: 8g (100mw each, coutra-grav lifters (20mw each) g-turns: 50 g-turns, (94.8 using jump fuel) 12.5m of fuel each. bunkerage: 1271.64m of fuel (90.8tons) maint: 70 ELECTRONICS COMPUTER: 3xTL model st (.55mw each) commo: 30,000km radio (1hex, 1mw); 1000Au masser (**,.6mw each) avionics: TL-10 avioncs, Tl-15 trainain following avonoics sensors: passive EMS folding array, 180,000km (6 hex, .6mw) active EMS 180,000km (6hex, 11mw) controls: 10x workstaion, with flight deck ARMAMENT Two turret hardpoint sockets fitted (loc 16/17, 18/19: archs:ALL) Master Fire directory: TL-15 beam MFD (6 diff mods, no misdsles; 10 hex 1.6mw, 1 crew) ACCOMMODATIONS Life Support: extened (.56mw), gravitic compensators (6g, 14mw) CREW: 12: 5 engerining; 1x electronics, 2 maneuver, 3 gunnery, 1x command crew accommodations: 6x small state rooms (double occupenice, 0005mw each) passanger accommodations: None Cargo: 484m of cargo with two large hatches small craft and launch facliites: none air locks: 2 NOTES: there is a power excess of 9.591mw, 8.4 mw of this exess is set aside to power two TL-15 150mj lazer turretes. Arming the ship will leave 1.191mw of excess power. TL-15 fuel purificaiton plant can refine 625.6m in 6 hours and a full load of fuel in 12.2 hours Feel free to send my any comments. David Nelson, Nelson Star Yards "It o.k. we're staff......"