Date: Thu, 8 Dec 1994 23:16:43 -0500 (EST) From: "Tariq M. Rashid" Subject: Re:Orbital Bombardment Found the correct Standard Impact Energy for cratering. According to Fundamentals of Astrophysics (Hsu) A 1 Megaton shallow buried blast will produce a crater about 1000meters in diameter. This is about 4.2E+15 J or about 4.2E+9 MJ So the diameter of your crater will be D = 1000m * Cube-Root(IE/SE) Where IE is the actual impact energy in MJ SE is the standard energy 4.2E+9 MJ Projectile impacts are going to through very high velocity debris well beyond the circles of general damage I suggested a post or two ago. The impact should be assigned a primary and secondary burst radius accordingly outside the 2nd circle(Within 2nd circle=certain death/critical injury) Well gotta, hope to post on orbital bombardment with explosives and submunitions tomorrow eventually leading to delivery systems. The point of all this is to give rationale for some general standard OB weapons I'll post next week as well as provide background for other interested persons. Tariq