The Dean Files
Revenge Class Battlecruiser (Military Starship)

The Revenge class was designed by the Imperial Glisten Navy prior to the Fourth Frontier War, although the prototype did not fly until 1088. Due to the powerful meson gun armament, the Revenges were the mainstay of the Glisten Fleet during the Fifth Frontier War/Collace Rebellion.

CraftID: Revenge class Battlecruiser, TL15, MCr60698 incl auxiliaries
Hull: 67334/168334, Disp=75000, Config=2SL, Armor=70G, Unloaded=1,466,169t, Loaded=1,595,974t
Power: 2267/4534, Fusion=612000MW, Dur=46/138
Loco: 5400/10800, Maneuver=3, 2700/5400, Jump=3, Agility=0
Comm: Radio=System, LaserComm=System, MaserComm=System
Sensors: EMS Active(Far Orbit), EMS Jammer(Far Orbit), EMS Passive(Interstellar), High Pen Densitometer(1km), Neutrino Sensor(10kw), ActObjScan=Rout, ActObjPin=Rout, PassObjScan=Rout, PassObjPin=Rout, PassEnScan=Simp, PassEnPin=Rout
          MesonGun=R00   BeamLaser=xx9   Missile=x90
         Batteries 1                12            20
         Bearing   1                 9            15
DefDm+8, Nuclear Damper-9, Meson Screen-9
          Sandcaster=xx9   Repulsor=x5x
          Batteries   18             20
          Bearing     13             15
Control: Computer Mod9fib*3, LargeHoloDisplay*10, HeadsUpHoloDisplay*200, HoloLink*5300
Accom: Crew=672 (12 Command, 19 bridge, 72 engineer, 54 gunnery, 51 maintenance, 150 troops, 308 flight, 6 medical), Staterooms=700, Env=basic env, basic ls, extended ls, grav plates, inertial comp
Other: Fuel=544506kl (1*Jump 3+46 days or 2*Jump 3+19 days), Cargo=0, Missile Magazine=5000kl(100b-r), Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purifier (16hr), Subcraft=2*2000t, 80*20t, LaunchTube=20ton, ObjSize=Large, EmLevel=Strong

Author: R.S.Dean