The Dean Files
Draft Imperial Strike Cruiser (Military Starship)

This draft was produced on 31 October 1990. As conceived, the strike cruiser is almost all offense. Defensive considerations are limited to light armor, a small battery of lasers and sand casters, and fairly high agility. (I don't think you can get a whole lot more agile than this and still provide power for a spinal mount.) Endurance calculations are based on running power covering life support and 4-G acceleration (as well as the low power weapons, if needed). Running power is 48% of full power, which is close enough to say that one combat hour costs two endurance hours.

CraftID: Imperial Strike Cruiser, TL15, MCr95830
Hull: 45000/112500, Disp=50000, Config=1SL, Armor=52G, Unloaded=730,396t, Loaded=759,869t
Power: 3336/6668, Fusion=900000MW, Dur=33/99
Loco: 2250/4500, Jump=4, 7650/15300, Maneuver=6 (Thrusters=5.53mt), MaxSpeed=1000kph, Cruise=750kph, TrueAcc=7.27G, Agility=7
Comm: Radio=System*5, LaserComm=System*5, MaserComm=System*5
Sensors: EMS Active(Far Orbit)*5, EMS Jammer(Far Orbit)*5, EMS Passive(Interstellar)*5, High Pen Densitometer(1km)*5, Neutrino Sensor(10kw)*5, ActObjScan=Rout, ActObjPin=Rout, PassObjScan=Rout, PassObjPin=Rout, PassEnScan=Simp, PassEnPin=Rout
           MesonGun=N0x   BeamLaser=xx6   Missile=x90
         Batteries  1                 2            40
         Bearing    1                 2            30
          Batteries    7
          Bearing      6
Control: Computer Mod9fib*3, LargeHoloDisplay*10, HeadsUpHoloDisplay*190, HoloLink*45600
Accom: Crew=177 (13 command, 26 bridge, 74 engineer, 53 gunnery, 8 Maintenance, 3 medical), Staterooms=90, Env=Basic env, basic ls, extended ls, grav plates, inertial comp
Other: Fuel=349612kl (1 Jump3+33 days running power), Cargo=0, Missile Magazine=10000kl (100 b-r), Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purifier (12hr), ObjSize=Large, EmLevel=Strong

Author: R.S.Dean