The Dean Files
Type NX Battlerider (Military Spaceship)

The NX (for Meson Gun-N, Experimental) battlerider was designed by the Imperial Glisten Navy as a replacement for the venerable 10kton Rider. After successful evaluation trials, construction was begun in 1111. It was intended that the Lobachevsky class fleet tenders be updated as new squadrons of 9 NXs were available to replace the squadrons of 15 10kton riders. This changeover was not complete in 1117 when most of the IGN was deployed to fight the Aslan in the Trojan Reach sector. Maneuver and life support require about 40% of the total power plant capacity, and each hour at full combat power uses 2.5 hours of endurance. A fuel purifier is provided even though it is not required for the craft's own fuel, for tactical flexibility in refueling of the parent craft.

CraftID: Type NX Battlerider, TL15, MCr30,377.5
Hull: 14400/36000, Disp=16000, Conf=1SL, Armor=82G, Loaded=1,078,354t, Unloaded=1,039,280t
Power: 1934/3868, Fusion=522000MW, Dur=30 days
Loco: 2448/4896, Maneuver=6, Agility=1, (ActualThrust=1.36G)
Comm: Radio=System*3, LaserComm=System*3, MaserComm=System*3
Sensors: EMS Active(Far Orbit)*3, EMS Jammer(Far Orbit)*3, EMS Passive(Interstellar)*3, High Pen Densitometer(1km)*3, Neutrino Sensor(10kw)*3, ActObjScan=Rout, ActObjPin=Rout, PassObjScan=Rout, PassObjPin=Rout, PassEnScan=Simp, PassEnPin=Rout
              Meson Gun=N0x     Missile=x90     BeamLaser=x09
          Batteries     1                6                  1
          Bearing       1                6                  1
DefDM+9, Nuclear Damper-9*2, MesonScreen-9*2
              SandCaster=x09     Repulsors=x5x
          Batteries        3                4
          Bearing          3                4
Control: Comp9fib*3, LargeHoloDisplay*4, HeadsUpHoloDisplay*100, HoloLink*6200
Accom: Crew=206 (15 Bridge, 24 Engineering, 60 Maintenance, 52 Gunnery, 40 Flight, 13 Command, 2 Medical), Staterooms*105, Env=basic env, basic ls, ext ls, grav plates, inert comp
Other: Fuel=75168kl, Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purifier (24hr), Cargo=0, Missile Magazine=750kl (50b-r), Subcraft=4*Type K Gunboats, ObjSize=large, EmLevel=strong

Author: R.S.Dean