The Dean Files
Jaque Jump Operations Courier (Civilian Starship)

Although originally based on a military model the Jaque Class is more aimed at civilian use. It is most often used by mid-size merchant feeder lines with 20 to 30 ships deployed. These are not large enough to be monolithic in their operations or small enough to be sufficiently close to maintain detailed instructions through the X-boat service. It is essential in this sort of operation that instructions, tips, and key personel can be transfered in reaction to specific market trends.

Less commonly the Jaque can be found drafted back into sub-sector navies, in the Scout service or as yachts for the rich.

CraftID: Operations Courier, TL15, MCr265.862
Hull: 309/773, Disp=343t, Config=1AF, Armour=40G, Loaded=4911, Unloaded=2752
Power: 6/14, Fusion=8993MW, Duration=30/90
Loco: 53/131, Maneuver=6, 22/54, Jump=6, Cruise=2138kph, Max=2850kph, Agility=6
Comm: Radio=System
Sensors: EMS Active (Planetary), EMS Passive (Substellar), ActObjScan=Diff, ActObjPin=Diff, PassEngScan=Rout
         PLaser X04
           Batt 001
           Bear 001
+16         Sandcaster X04
               Batt 001
               Bear 001
Control: Computer Mod9*3, 16*LargeHoloDisp, 3*HoloLink
Accom: Crew=3 (1 bridge, 1 engineer, 1 steward), Staterooms=11, Env=all
Other: Fuel=139t, Cargo=20t, Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purefier(6h) ObjSize=Average, EmmLevel=Moderate, 1 bay for 2t vehicle

Author: J.Grant