The Peltast was designed as a companion vehicle to the Hoplite grav tank, and emphasizes protection over duration. The roomy seats allow for rapid exit of battledress infantry.
CraftID: | Peltast Infantry Carrier, TL15, MCr12.7 |
Hull: | 6/15, Disp=6, Config=2SL+turret, Armor=70G, Loaded=367.7t |
Power: | 1/2, Fusion=144MW, Dur=61hrs |
Loco: | 2/4, StdGrav=700t, Max Speed=1000, Cruise=750, NOE=190, MaxAccel=0.9G |
Comm: | Radio=System, LaserComm=Continental, MaserComm=Regional(500) |
Sensors: | EMM EMS Active(Planetary), EMS Passive(Substellar), Low Pen Densitometer(250m), Neutrino Sensor(10kw), ActObjScan=Diff, ActObjPin=Diff, PassObjScan=Rout, PassObjPin=Rout, PassEnScan=Rout, PassEnPin=Rout |
Off: | Hardpoints=1 Pen/ Max Auto Dngr Attn Dmg Range Tgts Spc Sig ROF Fusion Z Gun 79/5 30 VDist(30) 2 45 H 40 |
Def: | Point Defense Targeting for Fusion Gun |
Control: | Comp1*2, HeadsUpHoloDisplay*2 |
Accom: | Crew=10 (Commander/Gunner, Driver, 8 infantry), Seats=Roomy*10, Env=basic env, basic ls, extended ls, grav plates, inert comp |
Other: | Fuel=6.64kl, Cargo=0, ObjSize=Avg, EmLevel=Faint |
Author: R.S.Dean