The Dean Files
Solar Mule (Civilian Landcraft)

The Solar Mule is produced by ConTech of Glisten for passenger transfer and general utility use on vacuum worlds. However, it is equally useful anywhere there is sunlight to operate it, and is favored by some users because of the low maintenance requirements resulting from the use of solar panels for power.

CraftID: Solar Mule, TL15, Cr39981
Hull: 4/9, Disp=4, Conf=4USL, Armor=1G, Loaded=4.72t, Unloaded=2.72t
Power: 1/2, SolarCells=.567MW (7 square meters), Dur=indefinite
Loco: 1/2, 6 wheels, P/W=95, Road=264kph, Offroad=79kph
Comm: Radio=Regional(500km)
Sensors: none
Control: Elec*12
Accom: Seats=Roomy*11, Env=basic env, basic ls, airlock
Other: Cargo=2.0kl, ObjSize=Small, EmLevel=Moderate

Author: R.S.Dean