The Dean Files
Ultima Racing Grav Bike (Civilian Aircraft)

The Ultima was built at the direction of a large corporation seeking publicity for their products. Absolutely no expense was spared in its construction. Since the entire design was aimed at providing the highest possible acceleration, there are two major limitations on the operation of the vehicle: Speed is limited to 4200kph in atmosphere. Beyond this speed excessive heating of the hull with resultant structural failure may occur. Sensors provide inadequate warning time at top speed, and top speed should therefore only be used over a precalculated and cleared course where no obstacles can be encountered.

CraftID: Ultima Racing Grav Bike, TL15, Cr52,358,860
Hull: 1/2, Disp=1, Config=1AF, Armor=1G, Loaded=6.55t
Power: 1/2, FuelCells=2.08MW, Duration=117hr/13hr (open/closed cycle)
Loco: 1/2, LP-LGrav=170t, MaxAccel=24.95G, MaxSpeed=4200kph, Cruise=3150kph, NOE=190kph
Comm: Radio=Regional(500km)
Sensors: ActEMS=Dist(5km), ActObjScan=Form, ActObjPin=Form
Control: Computer Mod1*2, 1*LargeHoloDisplay, 1*HoloLink
Accom: Crew=1 (Pilot), Seats=NoAccess*1, Env=inert comp
Other: Fuel=0.363kl, Cargo=0, ObjSize=Small, EmLevel=Avg

Author: R.S.Dean