The Dean Files
Swift Light Air Raft (Civilian Aircraft)

The Swift is a low cost grav vehicle intended for the general market. Most of its popularity stems from the fully enclosed, streamlined design, enabling comparatively high speed travel.

CraftID: Swift Light AirRaft, TL13, Cr39205
Hull: 1/3, Disp=1, Conf=4SL, Armor=4F, Loaded=3.86t, Unloaded=1.46t
Power: 1/2, FuelCell*5=0.675MW, Dur=30days
Loco: 1/2, Std Grav, Thrust=6t, TopSpeed=660kph, Cruise=495kph, NOE=40kph, MaxAccel=0.55G
Comm: Radio=Continental(5000km)
Sensors: Radar=VDist(50km), ActObjScan=Diff, ActObjPin=Diff
Hardpoints=1, No weapons
Control: Electronic*10
Accom: Seats=Cramped*4, Env=basic env
Other: Fuel=1.44kl, Cargo=2.3kl, ObjSize=Small, EmLevel=Moderate

Author: R.S.Dean