The Dean Files
Sword Worlds Titania class Fighter-Launch (Military Spaceship)

The Titania class fighter-launch was designed and built by the Yard Branch of the Sacnoth Navy. It is a common auxiliary craft aboard small starships of the Sacnoth Navy, and is available for export.

CraftID: Titania class Fighter-Launch, TL12, MCr31.1 (24.88)
Hull: 18/45, Disp=20t, Config=1SL, Armor=40F, Loaded=632t, Unloaded=590t
Power: 6/12, Fusion=510MW, Duration=36 hours
Loco: 4/8, Maneuver=6 (Thrusters=2210t), MaxSpeed=1000kph, Cruise=750kph, NOE=40kph, TrueAcc=3.5G, Agility=3
Comm: Radio=System, MaserComm=System
Sensors: EMS Active(FarOrbit), EMS Passive (Interplanetary), ActObjScan=Rout, ActObjPin=Rout, PassEnScan=Rout
                 Missile=x01      BeamLaser=xx1
          Batteries        1                  1
          Bearing          1                  1
          Batteries        1
          Bearing          1
Control: Computer Mod2*3, 2*HeadsUpDisplay, 110*DynLink
Accom: Crew=2 (pilot, gunner), Passengers=10, Seats=Roomy*12, Env=basic env, basic ls, extended ls, grav plates, inertial comp, airlock
Other: Fuel=9.18kl, Cargo=40kl, MissileMagazine=2kl (20b-r), ObjSize=Avg, EmLevel=Faint

Author: R.S.Dean