The Dean Files
Gvurrnakhth class Fleet Escort (Military Starship)

The Gvurrnakhth was purchased as surplus from a Vargr planetary navy and refitted to TL12 standards in weaponry and electronics by a corsair band. It still carries the original complement of TL11 fighters and landers, virtually identical to the Sword Worlds Nymph and Sprite classes respectively. The Gvurrnakhth can operate for 28.8 days at full power, or 35 days with no weapons power usage.

CraftID: Vargr Fleet Escort, TL11-12, MCr4496.2
Hull: 4500/11250, Disp=5000t, Config=1SL, Armor=55E, Loaded=136462t, Unloaded=111694t
Power: 447/894, Fusion=40200MW, Duration=28.8 days
Loco: 360/720, Maneuver=3 (Thrusters=260000t), 135/270, Jump=2, MaxSpeed=1000kph, Cruise=750kph, TrueAcc=1.9G, Agility=1
Comm: Radio=System, LaserComm=System, MaserComm=System
Sensors: EMS Active(FarOrbit), EMS Jammer(Far Orbit), EMS Passive (Interstellar), Neutrino Sensor (1MW), HighPenDens (50m), ActObjScan=Rout, ActObjPin=Rout, PassObjScan=Diff, PassObjPin=Diff, PassEnScan=Rout, PassEnPin=Form
                 Missile=x93   BeamLaser=xx4   PlasmaGun=x04
          Batteries      3/2               3               2
          Bearing        3/2               3               2
          Batteries        6
          Bearing          6
Control: Computer Mod6fib*3, 1*LargeHoloDisplay, 70*HeadsUpDisplay, 3600*DynLink
Accom: Crew=242 (11 bridge, 13 engineer, 6 maintenance, 28 gunners, 48 flight, 120 troops, 13 command, 3 medical), Staterooms=121, Env=basic env, basic ls, extended ls, grav plates, inertial comp
Other: Fuel=24000kl (1 jump-2+28.8 days), Cargo=678kl, Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purifier (24hr), SubCraft=16*40ton (8 fighters, 8 landers), ObjSize=Large, EmLevel=Moderate

Author: R.S.Dean