The Dean Files
Tiremese Mule (Civilian Landcraft)

The Mule is a common vehicle on Tirem, a high population planet with a corrosive atmosphere. The heavy armor is necessary for the vehicle to resist the long term, effects of atmospheric exposure, and the rather expensive extended life support capability is mandated by most local governments on the planet, to ensure that passengers will be safe if an emergency vehicle is delayed in responding to a breakdown. The inherent redundancy of the multiple fuel cell power plant is another safety feature. Power plant duration includes the need to supply oxygen as well as hydrogen to the fuel cells.

CraftID: Tiremese Mule, TL11, Cr149,200
Hull: 5/12, Disp=4, Conf=4USL, Armor=25E, Loaded=26.0t, Unloaded=20.2t
Power: 1/2, 30*FuelCell=2.7MW, Dur=6/18
Loco: 1/2, Wheels=4, P/W=103, RoadSpeed=217kph, Offroad=43kph
Comm: Radio=Continental(500)
Sensors: 2*Headlights
Hardpoints=1, No weapons
Control: Electronic*41
Accom: Seats=ExtOccRoomy*4, Env=basic env, basic ls, ext ls, airlock
Other: Fuel=15.55kl, Cargo=4.7kl, ObjSize=Small, EmLevel=Moderate

Author: R.S.Dean