The Dean Files
Balladeer Light Air Raft Emergency Conversion (Military Aircraft)

When the planet Nasemin (Spinward Marches/Aramis 3003) was invaded in 1118 by Vargr corsairs intent on setting up a base rather than plundering, the planetary militia was quickly overwhelmed. In a desperate attempt to provide air support for a guerilla counterattack on the starport, Colonel Nolan Armenax scraped together a squadron of fourteen Balladeers from local air raft dealers and armed them with his limited supply of Pronghorn drone missiles salvaged from a destroyed defense installation. Defending Vargr pilots were initially surprised by the use of these civilian craft still in their colorful showroom paint schemes, and two combat pinnaces were destroyed before the Vargr were able to respond. All fourteen Balladeers were lost, but the corsairs abandoned their downside base rather than face the anticipated level of guerilla activity.

CraftID: Balladeer Conversion, TL11, No price available
Hull: 1/2, Disp=0.75, Conf=3AF, Armor=2E, Loaded=1.86t, Unloaded=1.56t
Power: 1/2, 5*FuelCell=0.45MW, Dur=3 days
Loco: 1/2, StdGrav=4t, TopSpeed=1269kph, Cruise=952kph, NOE=40kph, MaxAccel=1.15G, Agility=1
Comm: Radio=Regional(500km)
Sensors: Passive IR Sensor, Light Amplification, Radar=Dist(5km), ActObjScan=Form, ActObjPin=Form
6 launch rails, 6 ship missiles in two volleys of 3.
          Batteries  2
          Bearing    2
Control: Electronic*8
Accom: Seats=Roomy*1, Env=basic env, basic ls
Other: Fuel=0.144kl, Cargo=0, ObjSize=Small, EmLevel=Moderate Notes: One seat was ripped out and an additional control unit to fire the missiles was added. Six launch rails were attached to the stub wings, and the speed was reduced as a result of the drag. The cargo compartment was left empty to compensate for the weight of the missiles. The missiles had no oxygen tanks and could not reach orbit, but were adequate for short range atmospheric combat.

Author: R.S.Dean