The Dean Files
Cougar Fire Support Vehicle (Military Aircraft)

The Cougar is a member of the Tiger family of infantry fighting vehicles, and is the only major variation designed with no provision for carrying infantry. The vehicle is designed to provide indirect fire support in a variety of combat conditions. Because large scale use of grav vehicles generally leads to an amorphous combat situation with no secure rear areas for siting of artillery, the Cougar carries the same weight of armor as the remainder of the vehicles in the family. The turret has been enlarged from 5% to 10% of the base vehicle size to accommodate the large mass driver gun. The Tiger family is particularly popular among mercenary units because of the comparatively low cost. Maintenance compatibility with the range of Tiger vehicles is also a popular feature. The machine gun is manned by the vehicle commander.

CraftID: Cougar Fire Support Combat Vehicle, TL10, Cr6,553,000
Hull: 6/15, Disp=6, Config=4SL+turret, Armor=50E, Loaded=193.4t Unloaded=178.2
Power: 1/2, Fusion=84MW, Dur=15/45
Loco: 1/2, StdGrav, Thrust=400t, TopSpeed=1000kph, Cruise=750kph, NOE=140kph, MaxAccel=1.0G
Comm: Radio=Planetary, LaserComm=Regional(500), MaserComm=Regional(500)
Sensors: EMM EMSActive=Regional(500), EMSPassive=Continental(5000), ActObjScan=Difficult, ActObjPin=Difficult, PassEnScan=Formidable
                           Pen/       Max    Auto   Dngr
                Rds  Ammo  Attn Dmg   Range  Tgts   Spc Sig ROF
6cm Mass Driver 400   HE   24   20 VDist(32) 2      40    L  60
                -   HEAP   50   16 VDist(32) 2       -    L  60
                -   KEAP   38   16 VDist(32) 2       -    L  60
                -Flechette 24   3  VDist(32) 2     150    L  60
                -  Illum    -    - VDist(32) 2 Radius:120 L  60
5.5mm Gatling 15000   -    2/3  3    Dist    7      -     H 1280
Control: Comp Mod0*2, HeadsUpDisplay*2, DynLink*28
Accom: Crew=3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver), Seats=Roomy*3, Env=basic env, basic ls, ext ls
Other: Fuel=15.12kl, Cargo=0, ObjSize=Avg, EmLevel=Faint

Author: R.S.Dean