The Dean Files
Hornet Light Tank (Military Landcraft)

The Hornet is designed to be as light as possible to facilitate air transport, while retaining a reasonable combat capability. The light armor makes it unpopular with crews.

CraftID: Hornet Light Tank, TL8, Cr125,284
Hull: 2/4, Disp=1, Config=4USL+turret, Armor=15C, Unloaded=16.7t, Loaded=19.3t
Power: 1/2, MHD=3.2MW, Dur=12hrs
Loco: 1/2, Tracks, P/W=165, Road=254kph, Offroad=152kph
Comm: Radio=Regional(500km), Laser=Distant(5km)
Sensors: 2*Headlights, Light Amplification
Hardpoints=1, Weapon stabilized, 80kph
                     Pen/         Max    Auto   Dngr
          Ammo  Rds  Attn   Dmg   Range  Tgts   Spc    Sig   ROF
cm HV Gun KEAP  140   29     9  Dist(16)  -      -      M    12
           HE    -    15    12  Dist(16)  -      30     M    12
          HEAP   -    26     9  Dist(16)  -      -      M    12
    HMG    -    800   6/3    3 VLong(1.5) 3      -      H    80
Control: Elec*20
Accom: Crew=2 (Driver,Gunner/Commander), Seats=Cramped*2, Env=Basic env
Other: Fuel=2.1kl, Cargo=0, ObjSize=Small, EmLevel=Moderate

Author: R.S.Dean