The motor gun boat (MGB) is a fast coastal warcraft for short duration operations. As such, it includes no long term accommodations for the crew. Specializing in stealthy night operations, the MGB frequently approaches its targets at minimum speed to reduce the possibility of premature discovery due to engine noise. The maximum speed is reserved for escape and evasion after an attack. Cruising speed is rated at 50% power. The wooden hull design minimizes the possibility of damage from magnetic mines, always a consideration when operating close to shore, and reduces the radar signature somewhat.
The armament consists of a 40mm autocannon at the bow, a 20mm autocannon at either side amidships, and a dual heavy machine gun mount at the stern. Each autocannon gunner has a loader to assist him.
CraftID: | Motor Gun Boat, TL6, Cr431,645 |
Hull: | 27/54/81/108, Disp=30, Conf=2SL, Armor=5W, Loaded=107.8t, Unloaded=84.8t, Length=24.4m, Weight Limits 60.8/182.3 min/max |
Power: | 2/4, ImpIntComb=9.2MW, Dur=24 hours at full power |
Loco: | 1/2, Propeller*2, P/W=85, Max Speed=64kph, Cruise=41kph |
Comm: | Radio=Regional(500km) |
Sensors: | none |
Off: | Hardpoints=1 Pen/ Max Auto Dngr Ammo Rds Attn Dmg Range Tgts Spc Sig ROF 4cm Autocannon HE 2K 5 8 Distant(5) 7 - H 1280 KEAP - 14 6 Distant(5) 7 - H 1280 *2cm autocannon HE 4K 2 6 VLong(2) 7 - H 1280 KEAP - 8 4 VLong(2) 7 - H 1280 1*dual HMG - 10K 6/3 3 Vlong 4 - H 160 |
Def: | none |
Control: | Mech*129 |
Accom: | Crew=10 (Commander, Helmsman, Engineer, 7 Gunners), Seats=ExtOccRoomy*10, Env=basic env |
Other: | Fuel=14kl, ObjSize=Avg, EmLevel=Faint, AcousticSig=Moderate |
Author: R.S.Dean