The Dean Files
Passenger Combine (Civilian Landcraft)

The combine (combined passenger and baggage car) provides a convenient place for travellers to deposit their bags while traveling by train. Since few passengers carry more than a suitcase or two, one combine should be able to service several coaches.

CraftID: Passenger Combine, TL6, Cr32,963
Hull: 16/39, Disp=17, Conf=4USL, Armor=4B, Loaded=116.6t, Unloaded=16.6t
Power: None
Loco: 1/2, Wheels=12, RoadSpeed=Special, Offroad=0
Comm: None
Sensors: None
Hardpoints=1, No weapons
Control: BasicMech*11
Accom: Passengers=30, Seats=Roomy*30, Env=basic env (.23MW from locomotive)
Other: Cargo=100kl, ObjSize=Avg, EmLevel=None

Author: R.S.Dean