The Dean Files
Lifeboat (Civilian Watercraft)

The lifeboat is intended to provide temporary refuge for the crew of a sinking vessel. The grim reality of life at sea is that unless conditions are perfect, and the ship is in immediate danger of sinking, one is usually better off attempting to stay with the larger vessel. The collapsible mast and sail provided for the lifeboat enable it to maintain minimum steerage way, and not much more. Oars may be used as long as at least eight oarsmen are available, and will produce speed equivalent to a walking pace on land. The cargo space of the lifeboat is taken up by a waterproof locker containing food, fresh water, water purifying gear, flares, and other survival/rescue equipment, and is kept loaded at all times.

CraftID: Lifeboat, TL5, Cr2501
Hull: 2/4/6/8, Disp=2, Config=4USL, Armor=2W, Loaded=5.4t, Length=9.9m, (Weight Limits 2.7t/9.45t min/max)
Power: none
Loco: 1/2, Sails=30 sq.m., P/W=0.005, Speed=0kph
Comm: none
Sensors: none
Control: Mech*0.4
Accom: Crew=1 (Sailors=1), Passengers=11, Seats=Cramped*12, Env=none
Other: Fuel=0, Cargo=1.3kl, ObjSize=Small, EmLevel=None, AcousticSig=None

Author: R.S.Dean