The Dean Files
Longboat (Civilian Watercraft)

The longboat is a small boat often carried aboard a larger vessel to serve as a lifeboat, and also used for routine utility work such as transferring passengers ashore. At least four oarsmen are required to propel the longboat at half walking speed, eight or more at walking speed. Twenty seats are provided, and up to a half a ton of cargo can be carried, depending on the load of passengers.

CraftID: Longboat, TL4, Cr3010
Hull: 1/2/3/4, Disp=0.5, Config=4USL open topped, Armor=2W, Loaded=3.16t, Length=6.2m
Power: none
Loco: Oars (see above)
Comm: none
Sensors: none
Control: Mech*1
Accom: Crew=4 (Oarsmen=4), Passengers=16, Seats=Open*20, Env=none
Other: Fuel=0, Cargo=0.5kl, ObjSize=Small, EmLevel=None, AcousticSig=None

Author: R.S.Dean