Virtual StarMap

This form requires you to have a VRML viewer configured. It returns a 3D starmap in VRML format (x-world/x-vrml), color coded to distance from the original star. It's constantly changing cause I'm messin' with the program, but enjoy!

Development Information

I have a simple star "database" (flatfile format) called starfile which I'm using to develop these maps. This file is parsed by a perl4 script called starmap, which does a simple search and creates the VRML text.

To samples from the output 3 parsecs around Joydel and 8 parsecs around Joydel.

I hope to develop a variety of information to continue this project, including possibility moving the information to some sort of Java based program/applet, linking the VRML to a live set of HTML documents describing the worlds, or changing the whole format and developing a 3D space simulator. These are the root stages, and any and all input is welcome.

Here's also two pages that work from the same data, finding clusters and ranges: cluster.html and inrange.html.

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Joseph Heck ( 15 May 96