Eringlin & Alethea, Majesties Calontir

JoeAngus & Phaedra, Highnesses Calontir

Calontir Online Publications

Kingdom Calendar of Events

Herald's Cry: SCA Wide Event Listings

Curia Regis - Royal Family and Kingdom Officers

Branches and Seneschals

contact information and local web pages for groups in Calontir

Arts & Sciences

Conrad's Calontir Songbook.
Calontir Arts & Sciences Criteria

The Histories of Calontir

Crag's Calontir History Pages - interview transcripts and stories that have helped form the history of Calontir.

Lilies War XIII

Map of Lilies War Site

Calontir Marshal's Page

Calontir Marshal's Handbook
Visiting Fighter Pamphlet
Calontir Archer Marshal's Page

Calontir Order of Precedence

Living in the SCA - an introduction to the awards of the Kingdom
Awards of Calontir
Calontir Online Armorial

Laws of the Kingdom of Calontir

Laws of the Society for Creative Anachronism

Calontir Miscelanii

What is Calontir?

The Kingdom of Calontir is a regional group within the Society for Creative Anachronism, a group dedicated to recreating aspects of the Middle Ages today. The SCA is an international organization which maintains a collective page for the organization on the World Wide Web at If you're unfamiliar with the SCA, I would suggest reading the Introduction to the SCA.

The region that makes up Calontir covers most of Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, and a touch of Arkansas (Fayetteville). If you're interested in contacting the SCA and within this area, take a look at our Branches and Seneschals list, which lists all the official groups, incipient groups, and active contact people in our region. If I can provide any other information about contacting the SCA in your area, please feel free to write me some email at, and I'll do my best to get you some contact information for the group nearest you. If you're looking for SCA contacts in other areas, I'd like to refer you to the SCA "Geography" page at

Castellum Calontir

Castellum Calontir is a roman fortification being built at the Lillies war site (Smithville Lake, MO). The page is a rough cut of scenes from it's initial construction, and more details can be found about how to help out!

Royal University of Scir Havoc

RUSH is a chartered group within Calontir dedicated to teaching various aspects of medieval history and our society to our own members.

Current weather in Calontir:

A 24-hour precipitation forecast (i.e. rain and stuff) for most of Calontir is covered in this single image from Intellicast. You can also get a relatively current doppler weather radar image from the same site.

Calontir Listserv

We have a fairly out of date FAQ for the Calontir Email List. It will be updated with better information shortly.

This is the recognized Web Page for the Kingdom of Calontir of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. The maintainer of this page is Joseph Heck. For information on reprinting articles and artwork from this publication, please contact the editor, who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors.

These pages are not corporate publications of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and does not delineate SCA policies. In cases of conflict with printed versions of material presented in these pages, the conflict will be decided in favor of the printed version.

Copyright © 1996,1997,1998, 1999 Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.

Terras, Shire of the Standing Stones, Kingdom of Calontir
Joseph Heck ( 19 July 99